Maximum Yield USA 2015 September | Page 14

CONTENTS September 2015 FEATURES 46 72 100 112 134 46 Lighting Design Matters by Brady Schultz 124 Why Your Garden Needs Phosphorus 142 Hydro Croponomics by Lacey Macri & Roy O’Mahony by Harley Smith 54 Automating Your Indoor Garden by Erica Hernandez 134 Enzyme Time by Kyle L. Ladenburger 148 Amendments to Improve Soil Health by Dr. Robert Linderman 62 Hydro Hygiene by Dr. Lynette Morgan 72 Organic Gardening by Caleb Buck 82 Grooming Your Garden for Fall by Sara Elliot 92 pHiguring Out pH by Grubbycup 100 Spotlighting Fiber Optics by Eric Hopper 112 Getting Hot & Heavy Part 2 by David Kessler 12 Maximum Yield USA | September 2015 DEPARTMENTS 14 From the Editor 140 Green Thumb Gardening 16 On the Web 146 Tips & Tricks 20 Letters to the Editor 155 10 Facts On 24 Ask the Experts 156 Talking Shop 26 Max Facts 158 You Tell Us 34 Product Spotlight 162 Max Mart 110 Growers Know 164 Distributors 122 Beginner’s Corner 178 Coming Up 132 Growing for Health