Maximum Yield USA 2015 November | Page 153

growing season or want to create a larger crop, you will be covered. You can also create your own cloning system. The DIY option offers a lot of customization. The parts needed for a beginner DIY cloning system set-up include a fish tank, plant light, aquarium aerator, tape, cups, water and rooting hormone. The lid for the tank can be made of glass or another solid surface. The fish tank creates a warm, stable growing environment for the cuttings, and the cup can be secured in place with tape if you are growing the cuttings hydroponically. The cup can also have a grow medium added. In this case no tape is needed to keep the cuttings upright. To grow successful clones, it is essential to take great cuttings. Make sure to select them from healthy plants, as a cutting from a diseased or weak plant may not grow well. You can take several cuttings from the same plant. It’s a good idea to cut more than you were planning on planting and select the best ones to put in your cloning system. The runners-up can either be cast aside or kept as spares. To select where to cut, it is essential to find a tip that has at least one set of leaves, but more sets are better. Use a sharp razor to carefully cut the first smaller sets of leaves towards the bottom of the cutting. These cuts should be made flush against the stem to where you can hardly tell that they had been there. Then, about a ¼-in. down from where you cut the set of leaves off, you will cut the stem at an angle in the same fashion as you would cut a flower’s stem for a vase. Take care to not damage the stem or your fingers during this process. Depending on the type of cloning system you use, the stem should be either treated with rooting hormone and inserted gently into the growing medium or placed into a hydroponic system that has been treated with a rooting hormone and nutrients. Cloning plants to create a horde of little mini me’s is an affordable way to increase your garden’s production. A cloning system is the perfect incuba