Maximum Yield USA 2015 April | Page 76

managing microclimates "the big bonanza comes from evaluating your garden through a number of seasons to get a complete microclimate profile." • Heat-retentive features -Hardscapes like driveways, walls, fences, decks and patios tend to make adjacent areas warmer overnight. • Windbreaks -- Sheltered locations somewhat protected from damaging wind and driving rain are more temperate than the surrounding terrain. • Orientation -- The direction your property faces, based on the points of the compass, impacts temperature. • Shade-producing features -- Buildings and trees can create pools or bands of shade relative to their directional orientation. • Topography -- The surface features of your property, like depressions where water pools and frost lingers, or hilly areas that are vulnerable to windy conditions or moisture loss during hot weather, can create microclimates. • Soil conditions -- The soil composition in different parts of the garden, like mulch that provides insulation, or compacted soil that retains heat, impacts temperature. 74 Maximum Yield USA  |  April 2015