Maximum Yield USA 2015 April | Page 126

growing strong seedlings Root Stimulants Starter fertilizers provide all of the essential minerals that seedlings need, but organic bio-stimulants aid with the uptake of minerals. For example, humic and fulvic acids aid with the uptake of iron and other trace minerals. Humic acid is an intermediate chelator. “Chela” means “claw,” so humic acid molecules attach to mineral ions like a claw, holding them tightly enough to keep them from getting locked up in the soil, but loosely enough to release them to the root hairs on demand. Humic and fulvic acids also help to neutralize pH. In nature, humic acids raise the pH of acid soils and lower the pH of alkaline soils. For even better results, combine humic acid with seaweed extracts. When used together in a 5:2 ratio, humic acid and seaweed work 50% better than either product alone. The combination stimulates root development, producing more lateral root growth and more root mass. Seaweed extracts also contain B-vitamins and amino acids that stimulate cellular metabolism and further aid with the uptake of minerals. For example, some amino acids stimulate root cells to open up calcium ion channels, allowing calcium ions to be taken up thousands of times faster than simple osmosis. Calcium helps seedlings develop thicker stems and stronger cell walls. Plus, calcium activates the enzymes that pump the growth hormones to the growing tips. Seeds contain all of the minerals and nutrients necessary to begin growing, so they can be germinated with water only.” 124 Maximum Yield USA  |  April 2015