Maximum Yield USA 2012 March | Page 74

Photosynthesis, Maximized that influence the production of sugars for plant growth as well. Maximizing all the variables that play a role in photosynthesis at the same time can lead to some fantastic growth rates, but it takes a little understanding of plant physiology to get things just right. What is photosynthesis? Indoor lighting can be used to grow a wide range of plants. 6CO2 (carbon dioxide) + 6H2O (water) in the presence of light turns to C6H12O6 (glucose) + 6O2 (oxygen In the equation above we can see that plants need not only a light source of sufficient intensity and the correct wavelengths for photosynthesis, but also a supply of carbon dioxide and water. What the equation doesn’t tell us is that other factors play a role in the rate of this process as well—temperature, for example, determines the rate of photosynthesis; the nutritional status of the “ plant affects light harvesting; leaf area and plant pigments such as chlorophyll determine how much light can be intercepted; and stomata apertures influence the flow of CO2 into the leaf. Just to complicate matters even more, the internal flow of water required for photosynthesis into the leaf can be affected by drought, high EC, root damage and other factors, while CO2 levels directly around the leaf surface are affected by airflow and the use of CO2 enrichment. How much light is needed for photosynthesis? Most indoor growers sooner or later have to grapple with the concept of how much light needs to be provided for maximum plant photosynthesis. There is no hard and fast rule for this, as different plant species have various optimal lightlevel requirements. A densely planted growing area will need a higher light “ The basic principle beh ind photosynthesis is fairly well understood—light energy is used to synthesize sugars (also called assimilate) from carbon dioxide and water. Light is absorbed by pigments in plants—the most common being chlorophyll—and energy provided by light is used to combine hydrogen (H) from water with carbon dioxide (CO2) from the air to form sugars, such as glucose. The energy from light is stored within the sugar molecules, which are then also used as a raw material for the synthesis of many other compounds required by the plant for growth and development. Photosynthesis is actually a very complex biochemical process involving many different enzymes; however, the simplified equation looks like this: Ideally, all the plants in the growing area should receive sufficient light to allow them to reach a point termed ‘light saturation’— that is, the point when further amounts of light don’t provide any additional increase in photosynthesis. 72 Maximum Yield USA | March 2012