The Full Menu: BeneFicial eleMenTs For PlanT GrowTh
As hydroponic growers, we want to make the most of the
quality. Cobalt might also play a role in slowing leaf aging
technology and information we have access to. However,
and disease resistance in some species. Trace amounts of
Se have been found to stimulate growth in a variety of
with advances in plant nutritional research occurring
all the time, we always have much to learn about crop
plant species, including ryegrass, lettuce and potato, and to
nutrition and how we can best use hydroponic nutrient
also provide the plants with more resistance to ultraviolet
formulations to their full advantage.
radiation. There is also evidence that boosting
One area of interest to soilless growers has
Se levels in hydroponically grown
always been the use of beneficial mineral
plants can help protect from