Maximum Yield USA 2011 May | Page 12

FROM THE editor jessica raymond Spring is a great time to celebrate the indoor gardening industry as it continues to grow and we continue to learn and share the advantages of organic and controlled environment gardening. Evidence of this gardening revolution was evident at the recent Denver, Colorado Expo where over 286 exhibits showcased the latest products and technologies to help gardeners grow their best yields. If you missed this great event, we have two more expos planned for 2011 in San Francisco, CA (July 16-17, 2011) and Long Beach, CA (Oct 16-17, 2011). In the meantime, in your hands you have an issue full of the latest information the industry has to offer from hybrid hydroponics and plant steering for vegetative and generative growth, to LEDs and super star pollinators—bumblebees. Spring is now here and a lot of growing will be concentrated in outdoor gardens at this time. Farmer’s Markets are springing up across the country and there’s a huge emphasis on growing your own and supporting the local community. Just look at what commercial design consultants BrightFarms is doing in New York with hydroponics (pg. 124). This is a great opportunity for you to expand your hobby garden into a viable business selling at local farmer’s markets and to restaurants. Maximum Yield is proud to announce the newest edition to our family of publications—Maximum Yield’s Hydro Life. Launching A VwW7B#