Maximum Yield Cannabis USA September/October 2021 | Page 46

Diamonds are a Connoisseur ’ s

Best Friend

by Chris Bond photos by Eighth Contrast Photography
They might be costly and hard to find , but cannabis diamonds are making a name in the marijuana world . While diamond creation may not be the best DIY project , weed diamonds are a popular extract for connoisseurs .

If you ’ ve never heard of weed diamonds , you are probably not alone . This cannabis product first appeared around 2015 and has slowly been making its way into the mainstream . As the name implies , a cannabis diamond is a crystal-like structure ; making them is even called diamond mining , but unlike its carbon-based counterpart , these diamonds are made from sauce . They might be known as THCA diamonds , weed diamonds , the world ’ s most expensive hash , or several other trade names , but they are all crystalized THC acid ( THCA ) made from a terpene-rich , extracted cannabis in liquid form , known for its runny texture and sheen . Sizes and shapes can range widely and are influenced by the temperature , moisture , solvents , and impurities and not by quality . They can be small particles all the way up to large chunks . Cannabis diamonds are pure THCA ( 99 percent pure with the other one percent being terpenes and other cannabinoids ) in a solid form .

Making Cannabis Diamonds
Making weed diamonds , or diamond mining ( sometimes called “ jar tech ” as the process is sometimes performed in a canning or mason jar ), is the process of extracting formed crystals from a liquid . At their most basic level , diamonds are pure THCA crystals . They are plucked from sauce at the right time from a closed-loop extraction method . They are borne from sauce , the equivalent of amniotic fluid or the primordial ooze that life sprung from . Maybe it is not quite that dramatic , but it is where the diamonds come from .
46 Maximum Yield
Kush Mints cured resin ( Animal Mints X Bubba Kush ) courtesy of Excalibur Extracts grown by Park Plant Gardens photo by Eighth Contrast Photography