Maximum Yield Cannabis USA October/November 2018 | Page 64

the ecological cost OF A JOINT Ever wonder what the ecological cost of a joint is? Ian Ashdown, Maximum Yield advisory board member and senior scientist at SunTracker Technologies, did. After referencing several studies, he came up with the answer and a way to put it into context. By Ian Ashdown I t was a very pleasant lunch conversation in Victoria, B.C. with Lisa Jansen van Rensburg of P.L. Lights, colleague Wallace Scott of SunTracker Technologies, and Maximum Yield Cannabis editor Toby Gorman that spurred the question: How much energy does it take to produce a single joint of cannabis? TRANSPORTATION 12 % DRYING 1 % LIGHTING WATER HANDELING 2 % 33 % CO 2 INJECTION 2 % SPACE HEAT 4 % “ A TYPICAL CANNABIS JOINT HAS A CARBON FOOTPRINT OF 1.4 KILOGRAMS OF CO 2 .” Surprisingly, the answer was not all that difficult to determine. We begin with “The Carbon Footprint of Indoor Cannabis Production” (Mills, E. 2012), which states “one average kilogram (kg) of final product is associated with 4,600 kg of carbon dioxide (CO 2 ) emissions to the atmosphere.” The paper provides an extremely detailed analysis of the production equipment and its carbon footprint, so this is not just another White House “fact.” The breakdown is itself interesting (see graphic). The author also estimated that one kilogram of final product requires between 5,200 and 6,500 kilowatt hours (kWh) of electricity (or, an average of 5,850 kWh). This leaves the question of how many grams (g) of cannabis in a typical joint. The latest estimate is given by “Bayesian Inference for the Distribution of Grams of Marijuana in a Joint,” (Ridgeway, G., and B. Kilmer, 2016), where the authors calculated 0.32 g per joint (which is less than previous estimates of 0.43 to 0.75 g). With this, the answer is: a typical cannabis joint has a carbon footprint of 1.4 kg of CO 2 and requires enough electricity to power a 60-watt equivalent LED lamp for 200 hours. To put the CO 2 issue into perspective, an average sedentary person generates about one kilogram of CO 2 a day just by breathing. 62 Maximum Yield AIR CONDITIONING 19 % HEAT/VENTILATION 27 % We can provide reference in another way. According to the US Environmental Protection Agency, the average passenger vehicle emits 404 g of CO 2 per mile. So, if one average kilogram of final product is associated with 4,600 kg of CO 2 emissions to the atmosphere, and if the average joint is considered to weigh 0.32 g, then: (0.32 g marijuana/joint) x (4,600,000 g CO 2 /1,000 g marijuana) x (1 mile/404 g CO 2 ) = (3.64 miles/joint) x (1.609 kilometers/mile) = 5.86 kilometers/joint. The average passenger vehicle traveling 3.64 miles (5.86 kilometers) emits the same amount of CO 2 as it takes to produce an average joint.