Maximum Yield Cannabis USA October/November 2018 | Page 53

Notes from the Field: Pregnancy & Cannabis A recent inquiry on social media asked mothers who are cannabis patients if they had continued to use cannabis during their pregnancies, and if so, what were the effects. Here are some of the responses: “It’s important that everyone is educated to the fact that the allowed anti-nausea prescription medications are known to actually cause birth defects. Cannabis, on the other hand, feeds the endocannabinoid system of both mother and child.”  ­– Rhea G. “I ingested two, 35 milligram cannabis suckers a day. I made it through my entire pregnancy without being hospitalized for malnutrition or dehydration. Today, my son is a thriving three-year-old, and is verbally ahead of his peers.”  ­– Ashley K. “I primarily vaped cannabis concentrates throughout my pregnancy. I had to fight the Brigham and Women’s Hospitals, along with Partner’s Healthcare, and won.”  ­– Cara C. Maximum Yield 51