Maximum Yield Cannabis USA May/June 2021 | Page 22

canna FACTS
NBA Halts Random Cannabis Testing on Players
The National Basketball Association ( NBA ) and National Basketball Players Association ( NBPA ) recently announced they will stop testing players for cannabis this season in response to the stress and quarantining brought on by COVID . While citing COVID as the main reason , the move also shows the NBA doesn ’ t view cannabis as a dangerous or “ performance-enhancing ” drug . The no-testing cannabis policy was aimed at preventing unnecessary close contact and to relieve players ’ stress levels while continued quarantining in the bubble . NBA spokesman Mike Bass mentioned the NBA and NBPA extended the policy due to the “ unusual circumstances ” the world is experiencing right now . Health experts believe the COVID-19 virus might be circulating for at least another two years . Although cannabis testing is paused for the time being , random testing for performance-enhancing drugs continues . Under pressure for some time now to remove random cannabis testing , NBA Commissioner Adam Silver has not rejected the idea of making the cannabis testing policy permanent .
cannabissciencetech . com
Put a Little CBD Oil on Your Strawberries
The wonders of CBD never seem to cease as new research shows CBD oil preserves strawberries — notorious for not having a long shelf life — and keeps them fresh longer . In a recent study published in Postharvest Biology and Technology , researchers experimented with adding CBD oil to fresh strawberries to see if it would help keep the strawberries fresher for longer . The results showed CBD was not only effective at extending the strawberries ’ shelf life , it also inhibited yeast and mold growth , and reduced microbial load . Given CBD ’ s usual uses , it might be surprising to see it recommended as a fruit preservative . Scientists have known for some time that CBD has antimicrobial properties . In a test with strawberries treated with CBD and another untreated batch , researchers found the fruit with CBD oil scored higher on visual appearance of quality , even exceeding the minimum threshold rating score of three . The CBDtreated strawberries also had a lower microbial load , and didn ’ t grow mold or yeast .
forbes . com
CBD Kills Bacteria for Gonorrhea and Meningitis
Synthetic cannabidiol , better known as CBD , has been shown for the first time to kill the bacteria responsible for gonorrhea , meningitis , and Legionnaires disease . A research collaboration between The University of Queensland ( UQ ) and Botanix Pharmaceuticals could lead to the first new class of antibiotics for resistant bacteria in 60 years . The UQ Institute for Molecular Bioscience ’ s Associate Professor Mark Blaskovich says CBD can penetrate and kill a wide range of bacteria including Neisseria gonorrhoeae , which causes gonorrhea . “ This is the first time CBD has been shown to kill some types of Gram-negative bacteria ,” he says . The study also showed CBD was widely effective against a much larger number of Grampositive bacteria than previously known , including antibiotic-resistant pathogens such as MRSA ( methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus ) or golden staph . “ We think that cannabidiol kills bacteria by bursting their outer cell membranes , but we don ’ t know yet exactly how it does that , and need to do further research ,” notes Blaskovich .
sciencedaily . com
22 Maximum Yield