Maximum Yield Cannabis USA May/June 2021 | Page 12

Cotton Candy Cookies photo by Kyle LeGrow taken for High Voltage Extracts
The anticipation of going outside of your comfort zone and not knowing what ’ s around the corner is what it ’ s all about .”
from the EDITOR
TG Toby Gorman

As any good novelist knows , there are distinct differences between a quest , an adventure , and a journey . A quest is a mission to accomplish something , where you start out with a game plan and follow it as best as possible to reach a goal . An adventure is the opposite . It ’ s a trip without a destination , where free spirits set out in search of something other than routine and structure and throw caution to the wind in hopes of having nothing at the end but good stories to tell . A journey is a combination of a quest and an adventure . There is a destination , but it ’ s not as important as the trip . For many , growing cannabis is a journey . From seed priming to harvest , and even post-harvest , growing cannabis is about occupying your time , learning , making mistakes , recovering , sharing information with friends , and just enjoying every minute of this magical plant ’ s life cycle .

This issue of Maximum Yield Cannabis is about the journey of caring for your plants through those four stages of growth — germination , seedling , vegetative , and flowering . It starts with Michael Coffey ’ s “ Grow a Fat Stash Fast ” on page 30 and ends with Karen Lloyd ’ s “ Curing Buds : Knowing When to Smoke ‘ Em ” on page 74 . Like any good journey , there are lots of stops along the way , and we ’ ve added Monica Mansfield ’ s “ Mediums and Methods ” on page 46 , Luis Cordova ’ s “ How to Breed Your Own Cannabis ” on page 70 , and many more . The start of a journey is always exciting . The anticipation of going outside of your comfort zone and not knowing what ’ s around the corner is what it ’ s all about . It may be a bust , it may lead to a result far beyond your expectations — you don ’ t know until you go . In this issue we ’ ve provided a road map to growing great cannabis . The rest is up to you . Enjoy the journey !
12 Maximum Yield