Maximum Yield Cannabis USA March/April 2019 | Page 42

IGHT AFFECT L D N A S L A R E IN M HOW n o i t c u d o r P e n e p r e T by August Dunning With newly discovered healing properties, terpenes are more important than previously thought. August Dunning explains how minerals and light can be used to boost terpene levels in cannabis plants. Our olfactory sense is hardwired to our immune system. If a fragrance produced by a strain is particularity pleasing, there might be a reason. Fragrance can be a means of identifying strains for medical application, not just recreation. When we’re sick with a cold, we identify certain fragrances, like lemon, for example, to bring us relief. We evolved with this plant to ultimately be able to incorporate the plant’s cannabinoid compounds in our endocannabinoid receptor system. Cannabinoids (CBD) interact with the body’s organs, nerves, and CB1, 2, and 3 receptor sites in the brain to mitigate conditions of pain and anxiety and establish a means for the terpenes to get into cells to perform medical functions far greater than sedation or elation, like slowing cancer cells. It’s not the CBD that attacks cancer — the CBD opens the cells in a tumor for terpenes to get inside cells to end replication in cancer cells without poisoning the body. With growth halted, the tumor may die. 42 Maximum Yield