Maximum Yield Cannabis USA Grow Guide Special Edition 2022 | Page 97

Light , especially sunlight , is the primary reason for cannabis degradation . Think of how sunlight bleaches the color out of clothes , curtains , etc . In the same way , it can degrade the chemical integrity of THC . UV photons break down chemical bonds in THC molecules , leading to destabilization and loss of potency . One study measured a loss of 0.5 percent THC for every hour of direct sunlight the cannabis was exposed to .
Exposure to oxygen slowly converts THC into the minor cannabinoid CBN . If storing long term in a non-airtight container , this can add up to a noticeable loss of potency . On the flip side , too little oxygen can also be a problem . It can raise humidity levels , allowing mold to form .
Moisture alone does not degrade the potency of your cannabis . Still , it is a precursor for mold , which , once established , will completely decimate your weed and leave it unusable . Unfortunately , it is a bit of a balancing act as your terpenes and cannabinoids will also begin to degrade if they become too dry . For this reason , it is essential to maintain proper relative humidity levels of 58-63 percent .
High temperatures will dry out buds and cause terpenes to evaporate . This makes for harsh smoke and an unpleasant flavor . Mold and mildew thrive between 78-86 ° F . With this in mind , the ideal storage temperature for cannabis should be around 40-60 ° F . A dry , cool , shaded corner , cupboard , or basement is perfect .
The Best Storage Container for Your Weed
A storage container with a genuine airtight rubber seal is the best option for everyday storage that you will access regularly . Mason jars are good . However , clear glass won ’ t cut it . If you only have clear glass , you will need to paint it or cover it to keep the light out . It is best to choose a ceramic pot , a stainless-steel vault , or an opaque glass jar .
Plastic Bags are Okay , Right ?
Not really . Plastic baggies are neither light-tight nor airtight , which means degradation of cannabinoids and loss of potency and flavor . They can also rub trichomes off the flower . This means they tend to sweat more and collect condensation , raising humidity levels . Although some plastic containers claim to be airtight , they rarely are .
“ It is essential to maintain proper relative humidity levels of 58-63 percent .” by Rich Hamilton


What Size ?
When selecting an airtight storage container , size is essential . Ideally , you want the container to be about three-quarters full , whether curing or storing . This will allow plenty of airflow around your nugs and prevent humidity issues or moisture pockets . Never pack your weed down to fit more in . You want it to be loose and able to move around in the jar .
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