Maximum Yield Cannabis USA February/March 2018 | Page 17

PICTURE-PERFECT Purple Purple: the most powerful wavelength of the rainbow and historically the most significant and interesting color. It’s rarity in nature has given it a supernatural aura, which has also made it the color of royalty. But is purple weed as special as its color may suggest? Alan Ray investigates. T here is little doubt the desire for purple cannabis is grow- ing steadily. At times, some dispensaries in the Lower 48 report having trouble keeping up with demand. Given its unique and eye-catching colors, this is understandable. Nevertheless, aesthetic beauty is merely one of the perquisites associated with purple pot. Hidden within the rich purple hues are treasure troves of good medicine proven to help reduce stress and tension. Additionally, its aromatic properties throw a flavor party for the taste buds while affording the smoker a euphoric high of respectable magnitude. Over the years, breeders have crossbred several types to create strains of purple whose effects can range from meditative to vegetative. Many purple strains are indica- dominant, which means attached to a lofty head high is a body stone that leaves the consumer feeling laid back and calm. There are also predominantly sativa strains that offer a more cerebral high without the heavy body attack. Temperature and the Color Purple A purple color doesn’t necessarily mean your weed is a true purple strain. That requires genetics. If your favorite strain wasn’t engineered to be purple yet is that color, there are a few factors that could contributed to the color change. With marijuana, cold temperatures can affect the plant’s color, much how cool weather changes the color of deciduous trees during the fall. For outdoor plants, the colder air brings with it a signal to stop producing chlorophyll. Chlorophyll, which is necessary for photosynthesis, is the dominant pigment in the plant and accounts for its green color. As the cold weather sets in, chlorophyll gets broken down into smaller molecules. When that happens, pigments of different colors within the plant can develop. Sometimes these pigments are purple. Another reason for plants turning purple has to do with just how cold they got. Too cold of a temperature can freeze the cells of the plant, causing damage to the pathways needed for water and nutrient uptake. Without certain nutrients such as phosphorus, some plants can turn purple. The soil's pH level can also affect the plant's color, with the leaves of red cabbage being a strong example. If the soil is acidic (below 7.0), then the leaves become reddish in color. When the pH level is neutral, the leaves turn purple. Initially, the only purple weed available—and it was rare— was weed that was grown outdoors and subjected to colder than recommended temperatures. Over time, however, clever geneticists, seed breeders, and experimenters created purple strains that took the guesswork out and put the color in. grow. heal. learn. enjoy. 17