Maximum Yield Cannabis USA February/March 2018 | Page 48

heal " Keep in mind that prohibitionists and policy makers have done their best to make sure that no scientific research can be legally conducted on cannabis, especially if the research shines a positive light on the herb." The obvious fact that cannabis has been linked in aiding a multitude of medical issues, from nausea and chronic pain to epileptic seizures and cancer, is a testament to the complexity and value of this plant. Even though right-wing American politicos like Jeff Sessions and Chris Christie are still trotting out the stale old “gateway drug” argument, in Canada, where cannabis legalization is possibly months away, high-ranking alarmists are now positioning themselves to profit from pot. As we stand amidst an epidemic of opioid use, serious players in the business world know that there is an aging population that, if brought onside, represent a massive market for the medicinal marijuana industry. As regulations are contested and restrictions are slowly lifted, science becomes freer to properly investigate the benefits of cannabis. Though cannabis was vilified as a highway to heroin addiction, new research is suggesting that the opposite may be true. So, with more than 100 million Americans suffering from chronic pain and seeking relief in prescription opioids, cannabis-derived pain killers are not only being researched as a viable alternative, but a massive money-making opportunity too. To tap into a market fueled by an elderly population deeply infected by a lifetime of anti-marijuana propaganda, some of the same power players that fed the propaganda machine while persecuting cannabis users are now positioning themselves to profit from medical weed. One-time Canadian Conservative Member of Parliament (MP) and former Ontario Provincial Police commissioner Julian Fantino who, in 2011, stood in the House of Commons and encouraged his fellow party members to vote for an act that would usher in mandatory minimum prison sentences for marijuana offences, is now himself in the medical marijuana business. He has joined forces with former Royal Canadian Mounted Police commissioner Raf Souccar and former Conservative MP Gary Goodyear to establish Aleafia and profit from cannabis legalization by positioning themselves to guide the propagandized safely through the frightening gauntlet of cannabis treatment. 48 grow. heal. learn. enjoy.