Maximum Yield Cannabis USA February/March 2018 | Page 40



For Better or Worse :


Side effects from cannabis can range from the desired effect of medicinal marijuana to chronic health problems .
Though more studies are needed , Chris Bond sourced the latest reports to provide a snapshot of how cannabis can affect us for better or for worse .

The use of cannabis , like any other substance , carries with it the risk of side effects . Some can be laughed off ( among friends , of course ), while others are more serious . One ’ s particular risk of side effects can only be assessed by looking at the totality of one ’ s circumstances . The presence of a pre-existing medical condition , the use of substances other than marijuana , and the biological differences between individuals all dictate whether or not one will experience any of these side effects . The potential side effects outlined below should be interpreted in that context ; remember , only a duly licensed medical practitioner can diagnose actual side effects from the use of cannabis . Also , nearly all side effects reported in peer-reviewed journals contain the caveat that more studies are warranted since the study of the side effects of cannabis in its various forms is an emerging discipline . Thankfully , as more medical professional prescribe cannabis as a viable medical alternative to traditionally prescribed medication , and as more voters in more states and provinces allow for its use , more studies will follow .

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