Maximum Yield Cannabis USA April/May 2018 | Página 33

“SINCE THC from marijuana edibles is more potent than smoked flower, it stays in the system much longer, resulting in a lingering low-level high.” As an edibles producer for more than five years and a self-described health freak, Mitchell considers herself to be an edibles connoisseur. She eats them all the time, a vice, she says, to help her deal with day-to-day stress. However, it’s only when Mitchell has consumed a low-quality product that she wakes up the next day feeling a bit burnt out. To avoid this, she consumes only organic, wholesome edibles that have GMO-free ingredients and high-quality distillate. When she uses these products, she says she experiences no side effects the next day. To combat a potential weedover, Brad Richardson from Ontario, Canada, says he smokes flower over much more potent concentrates like shatter, wax, or crumble for his last session of the day. “I’ve had a few times I’ve finished the night on concentrates and wake up just as high as when I went to bed,” he says. LIMITED RESEARCH ON WEED HANGOVERS Only a limited number of scientific studies have been conducted on whether or not weed hangovers are real or imagined. The most notable study, published in 1985, found smoking marijuana can produce residual hangover effects the day after smoking. However, the study was very small with only 13 male participants, and the extent of the hangover effects have yet to be determined. A similar small study from 1998 found residual effects of smoking a single marijuana cigarette are minimal. “Research is only starting to come to light now with all the dispensaries opening,” says Mitchell. Most current evidence is anecdotal. As a top Toronto budtender who has helped set up a number of dispensaries in the Canadian city, Mitchell has had her fair share of discussions on the topic. She also knows first- and second-hand that 99 per cent of responsible marijuana users wake up with no symptoms at all. Tony Cicchini of Detroit, MI, doesn’t feel any negative side effects of a weedover the day after smoking a joint, even if he sparks up right before bed. “Not at all, but I have a pretty extreme tolerance,” he says. “If anything, I wake up feeling better.” Because cannabis can affect individuals differently depending on a number of factors including strain, individual tolerance, THC levels, and body chemistry, what’s absolutely perfect for one person may be too much for someone else. Whatever the method of marijuana consumption, swallowed or inhaled, anecdotal evidence suggests it’s best to start small and be patient. If one chocolate-covered 420 treat didn’t do much one night, increase the consumed amount incrementally until the desired effect is achieved. Over-consuming, and the inevitable consequences, will only result in a bad experience. Karen Lloyd is a website designer, writer, and SEO specialist in Toronto. Since 2011, Karen has helped numerous small businesses feature their products and services online. She’s excited to put her pen to paper for Hydrolife and profile North America’s top dispensaries and marijuana as a path to wellness. grow. heal. learn. enjoy. 33