Maximum Yield Cannabis USA April/May 2018 | Page 32

heal DEALING WITH A HANGOVER WEED by Karen Lloyd | Most people suffer nasty alcohol-induced hangovers once or twice in their life. Similarly, some cannabis smokers develop weed hangovers, which can leave them with headaches or feeling lethargic and sometimes nauseous. M ost people aren’t aware weed hangovers even exist, let alone feel they’ve suffered any consequences after a relaxing evening with Mary Jane. “I’ve never heard of this in my life,” says Margaret Hannan, a regular pot smoker from Toronto, Canada. For a small group of smokers, however, morning-after headaches, heavy eyelids, as well as mental and physical lethargy are the real deal. Often referred to as a weedover or a bongover, some chronic cannabis users have reported symptoms of nausea the next day. “My cure for any weedover is (cannabidiol),” says cannabis activist Dinah Mitchell. EDIBLES CAN LEAD TO WEEDOVERS According to Mitchell, weed hangovers are a far more common complaint from individuals who consumed too many edibles (which is often the case with newbies) than from individuals who smoked too much pot. “People get very impatient,” she says. While an immediate high is experienced after one puff of a joint, the tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) from edibles such as cannabis cookies and other baked goods typically takes more than two hours to kick in because it goes through the digestion process. By then, consumers, possibly doubting the quality of the product they just swallowed, may have popped a couple more weed-infus ed gummy bears or indulged in one more special brownie, doubling or tripling the amount of THC their body needs to metabolize. Since THC from marijuana edibles is more potent than smoked flower, it stays in the system much longer, resulting in a linger- ing low-level high. WEEDOVERS DON’T LAST LONG Fortunately, a weedover is nothing at all like a boozy hang- over, which for some can last up to three days. “The difference with a weedover is you snap out of it within an hour of moving around and drinking water,” says Mitchell. Although there is no evidence to link cannabis hangovers and dehydration, many of the symptoms of a cannabis hangover are improved by drinking more water. Another possible factor behind a weedover is the extraction method used to separate and refine molecules and contaminants. Fortunately, distillate is more commonly used these days to produce many of the chocolates, candies, and granola bars behind the counter at your local cannabis dispensary. Distillates use an extraction process to create a clean, clear, extremely pure top-shelf concentrate. 32 grow. heal. learn. enjoy.