Maximum Yield Cannabis USA April/May 2018 | Page 40

heal Edibles While not likely to make its way into the pages of the next superstar chef’s bestselling cookbook, AVB may well become the most reached-for ingredient in your pantry. Though not the most creative use for AVB, the simplest is just to directly eat it. This doesn’t, however, need to be a “hold your nose, swallow quickly, and wash it down with a glass of water” experience. Already vaped bud can be sprinkled onto your favorite desserts or incorporated into any number of other dishes. It can also be incorporated into baked goods. Another method of direct consumption is to pack your AVB into gel caps. Most pharmacies have both gel caps and capping accessories available. To use them effectively, the AVB should be ground super fine before being tamped into the gel caps. Also, the darker the AVB, the more you can jam in there, since it likely has less THC than lighter-colored AVB. Gel caps are a discrete way to dose throughout the day. Also, to get a better effect from direct consumption, wash the caps down with milk or any other beverage containing fat. Speaking of fat, AVB can be used in the production of cannabutter, which in turn can be used in a wide range of recipes. In fact, it’s easier to use AVB as opposed to fresh cannabis in the production of cannabutter, since it does not need to be decarboxylated (this was already done when the bud was initially vaped). To make cannabutter, melt one pound of butter in a saucepan, keeping the temperature at about 200˚F. Stir in about two grams of AVB and keep the mixture at about 200˚F for 15-20 minutes. Then, filter the mixture through cheesecloth or any other fine mesh material. The spent grounds can be thrown away and the cannabutter should be placed in the refrigerator to set. To reduce the intense aroma when making cannabutter, it is advisable to water cure your AVB first (see below). Similarly, AVB can be used to make cannaoil, which can then be used as cooking oil or in salad dressings. The procedure is very much the same as making cannabutter, but the ratios are different. To make a batch of cannaoil, you will need between one pint and one quart of the cooking oil of your choice and at least 16 grams of AVB. You could use more AVB, but this would make the oil more potent. Beverages There is no limit to the ways AVB can be incorporated into drinks as well. The toasted flower can be mixed in with coffee grounds for an early morning pick- me-up or mixed in with loose-leaf teas to unwind in the evening. It can also be incorporated directly into smoothies or any other beverage, especially those that will mask the strong taste of AVB. 40 grow. heal. learn. enjoy. “ IN FACT , it’s easier to use AVB as opposed to fresh cannabis in the production of cannabutter, since it does not need to be decarboxylated.”