Maximum Yield Cannabis Canada September/October 2022 | Page 8

First Feed
10 From the Editor 12 Bare Roots 14 Ask a Grower 16 Canna Facts 18 Good to Grow
30 Cooking With Cannabis 38 Cut and Dried 52 Extracted and Concentrated 60 Canna Buzz 66 Sativaville
Grow Cycle
34 Take It Inside : 5 Great Strains for Indoor Growing
40 The Importance of Mycorrhizae 44 Cannabis Training and Pruning Techniques 48 How to Decarboxylate Your Buds
54 High Yield & Low Production Costs : The Future of Commodified Cannabis
56 8 Efficiency-Boosting Grow Tactics to Optimize Control and Reduce Risk
8 Maximum Yield