Maximum Yield Cannabis Canada September/October 2022 | Page 67

It ’ s already in the mix

With RESiLIENCE ® ... our silicon-enriched additive – may improve trichome results , resistance to wilting and enhance plant growth and flowering .
Sunshine ® Mix # 4 is a professional , all-purpose growing mix for all types of indoor or outdoor container crops . This specialty performance mix is designed for controlled-environment crops that need extra drainage .
Sunshine ® Mix # 4 with Mycorrhizae is our classic Mix # 4 ; contains our propriety blend of seven mycorrhizae species .
Ask about our industry and university research regarding the positive effects of silicon in growing media re : copper toxicity , heavy metals , stress tolerance , insect , pest and disease control .
sungro . com
© 2021 Sun Gro Horticulture Canada Ltd . All Rights Reserved . ® Sunshine , Our Expertise is Growing , RESiLIENCE and Sun Gro are registered trademarks of Sun Gro Horticulture Canada Ltd . ™ It ' s already in the mix is being used as a trademark of Sun Gro Horticulture Canada Ltd .