Maximum Yield Cannabis Canada September/October 2022 | Page 38

The gram of Hot Rick ’ s Choice that I take home boasts a layer of pale blue trichomes so thick they look like icing on a wedding cake .” cut and DRIED
by Karen Lloyd
With enough trichomes to ice a wedding cake , Hot Rick ’ s Choice is a fantastic indica strain .

Off the beaten path of Uptown Saint John , New Brunswick ,

420 fans will find Northern Lights , a cozy little cannabis shop with an array of THC and CBD products . After taking a whiff from a few top-shelf strains , I purchased a gram of Hot Rick ’ s Choice for $ 10 . At first , the weed smells like a ripe orange but then immediately takes on the scent of salt and vinegar potato chips . Combined , the two create the most captivating cannabis aroma I ’ ve ever inhaled . Pleasing and pungent , the smell brings a smile to my face as my mind rewinds to ‘ family night ’ circa 1990 . Steve Urkel is on TV and a bag of Lay ’ s Salt and Vinegar potato chips is on the kitchen counter . How we shared those chips between a family of five is beyond me . This bag is all mine . The gram of Hot Rick ’ s Choice that I take home boasts a layer of pale blue trichomes so thick they look like icing on a wedding cake . The mossy green leaves that are visible glisten . Hot Rick ’ s Choice comes to Uptown from Moncton , New Brunswick , according to the shop clerk . The next day , after taking a few more deep breaths of the inimitable indica strain , I decide it ’ s time to pull the weed apart and roll it into a joint .
No simple task without a grinder ( or scissors , in my case ). A nugget of Hot Rick ’ s Choice is both tight and tacky , like a piece of chewed gum but I break it up sufficiently and roll an equally compact joint . Lit , Hot Rick ’ s Choice delivers a red-hot chili pepper-like hit . Your nose may slightly tingle . The flavour is earthy . The exhale tastes like an orange Creamsicle . It ’ s not long at all before the strain shows off its eclectic personality . I feel super mellow and chill but also buoyant with initiative and , since it feels more like a hybrid than an indica ; I call the shop to be sure . Other strains at Northern Lights include mid-range strains for $ 5 a gram and bottom shelf strains for $ 3 a gram . Yes , you read that correctly .
Cannabis infused edibles , lotions , bath bombs , and cannabisfree Kombucha are also available at this cozy indie-dispensary . I won ’ t divulge the address of Northern Lights but if you ever find yourself in need of weed in Uptown , just ask any local for Adam . Otherwise , the nearest Cannabis New Brunswick store is 30 minutes away by foot or seven minutes by car .
Karen Lloyd is a website designer , writer , and SEO specialist in Toronto . Since 2011 , Karen has helped numerous small businesses feature their products and services online . She ’ s excited to put her pen to paper for Maximum Yield and profile North America ’ s top dispensaries and strains as a path to wellness .
38 Maximum Yield