Maximum Yield Cannabis Canada September/October 2022 | Page 33

Barry ’ s current Ultra Trimmer product line includes four models , each of which features premium food-grade stainless steel parts and Barry ’ s personal warranty : If the Ultra Trimmer doesn ’ t save 50 to 75 percent of production time without destroying trichomes , he ’ ll give you your money back .
UT1000 - The Collective : The UT1000 can process up to 30 lbs . of dry cannabis and trim up to 3 lbs . of weed an hour .
UT2000 - The Industrial : The UT2000 is a replica of the original Ultra Trimmer model but this one offers a larger working area and can trim up to 10 lbs . of pot an hour .
UT3000 - The Industrial Automated :
Ultra Trimmer ’ s UT3000 is a trimmer that can trim up to 18lbs . of cannabis buds an hour destroying no trichomes in the process .
UT4000 - The Industrial Processor : This massive Ultra Trimmer model can process up to 150 lbs . of dry bud in a day and meticulously trim up to 1 lb . of cannabis in 3 minutes .
Automated Attachment
New Automated Attachment fits all Ultra Trimmer machines – completely hands free .
Sugar Shake Shaker
New Attachment fits all Ultra Trimmer machines . In 20 minutes turn 2lbs of trim into 250 grams of hash .

Ultra Trimmer trims cannabis the same way scissors would : precisely with pivoted blades .”
“ I built every machine by myself in the beginning and now have 15 people working for me ,” said Barry , adding that a couple of his staff have been with him since the beginning . “ I am very close with my employees . We run very smoothly together .”
Located in Ontario , OR , since 2016 , Ultra Trimmer now distributes its products worldwide . It didn ’ t take long for Ultra Trimmer to grow in the cannabis industry . While the product ’ s quality spoke for itself to consumers , and word of mouth has been huge , Barry said live demonstrations helped him stand out . With a camera plugged into a large monitor and a microscope on the trimmed bud , his innovative demonstrations show growers the trichomes are , in fact , still intact .
“ People started to see the advantage of the Ultra Trimmer ,” he said .
Before Ultra Trimmer , Barry manufactured a pest control device called Varmitgetter for burrowing animals . Along with his pest control business , Barry got into cannabis trichome preservation shortly after helping a major-league medical marijuana grower exterminate gophers in Orrville , CA .
“ I wanted in and the rest is history ,” he said .
Besides dreaming , designing , and manufacturing valuable products , Barry ’ s company contributes to local shelters and has plans to start a scholarship fund in Ontario , OR ..
Learn more at ultratrimmer . com