Maximum Yield Cannabis Canada September/October 2022 | Page 31

• 2 pint jars with lids
• Potato peeler
• Medium saucepan
• Ladle
• Toothpicks
• 3 cups organic green strawberries ( unripe strawberries with no red parts )
• ¼ cup wildflower honey
• 1 cup cannabis-infused green tea vinegar ( made in the MB2e )
• ½ cup rice wine vinegar
• ½ cup water
• ½ cup of sugar
• pinch of Jacobsen sea salt
• ¼ tsp fresh cracked black pepper
• ½ tsp fresh ginger ( peeled into strips w / peeler )
• ½ tsp dry gunpowder green tea leaves


1 . Poke each berry with a toothpick 3 times
2 . Place the clean , poked berries in the empty jars , set aside
3 . In a medium saucepan add the remaining ingredients .
4 . Over medium heat , stir to dissolve the honey , sugar , and salt
5 . Set aside and let it cool to room temperature
6 . When the liquid mixture cools , pour it over the berries in the clean jars
7 . Cover the jars to sit at room temperature for 3 hours and then refrigerate for 3-5 days before using
# shortordercannabisrevolutionary @ chef _ sebastian _ carosi
Sources : www . jacobsensaltco . com www . magicalbutter . com
PREP TIME : 15 minutes WAIT TIME : 3 days minimum
YIELD : 2 pints STATUS : Boujee accoutrement
TOTAL THC / CBD : Depends on the potency of the products used CHEF ' S STRAIN RECOMMENDATION : Larry Cake by Freddy ' s Fuego
Maximum Yield 31