Maximum Yield Cannabis Canada May/June 2023 | Page 8

We ’ d all get together and pass around a joint before a Friday night football game or school dance .”
from the EDITOR
TG Toby Gorman buddy of mine from high school got in

A touch with me out of the blue the other day . He said he ’ d be passing through town and asked if I wanted to grab a bite and catch up . I hadn ’ t seen him since 1989 . A lot of people hate blasts from the past like that . I love them . It gives me a chance beyond social media to learn about what old friends are up to and how their lives are playing out . We started chatting like no time had passed at all . When he learned I was the editor of a cannabis magazine he grinned . “ Oh man , remember when weed was so simple ? You got what you wanted from a guy for a few bucks and that was that . All you ever had to worry about was getting caught , and we never did .” He was right . We laughed about all those weekend nights we packed a dozen or so friends into my parents ' Oldsmobile Custom Cruiser travelling from party to party . Those epic nights that were just pure fun . I don ’ t recall any fights or anybody ’ s place getting trashed . Sure , the cops would show up from time to time , but only because of some uptight neighbour . Back then , we had code names for weed so our teachers , parents , or whoever had no idea what we were talking about . We ’ d all get together and pass around a joint before a Friday night football game or school dance .

I like to think the mischievousness of it all brought us all closer together . Gave us all something to grin about when we passed in the hallways . Even 30 years later , those stories are still making us laugh . I wonder if today ’ s high school kids have as much fun as we did . I hope they do . But with today ’ s constant social media feeds , 24-hour news cycles , pandemics , gun violence , political conflicts , and everything else , I worry about them a little bit . I ’ m sure the generations before ours did the same for us . The world probably isn ’ t going to get simpler , and each generation has a heavier load to carry , more to worry about .
We asked long time contributor Grubbycup to take us back to the origins of cannabis slang , back to a time where code was needed to avoid trouble when partaking in cannabis . He delivered with a slew of terms , a number of which my buddy and I used in our own circle of friends . You can find his article “ A Fun Look at Cannabis Slang ” on page 40 . Hopefully it brings out a few good memories for you as well , and hey , it might even inspire you to get in touch with that friend you haven ’ t talked to in a while and have a laugh about those simpler times .
8 Maximum Yield