Maximum Yield Cannabis Canada May/June 2023 | Page 32

PROPAGATION & CULTIVATION FACILITIES As commercial growers shift from clone propagation to seed-grown plants , they are able to rethink cultivation facility design . A nursery for mother plants and clones requires more total square footage of canopy in your cultivation facility . In order to stay alive , your mother plants require consistent garden inputs such as electricity , water , labor , and nutrients . Seed-based production eliminates the need to keep extra mother plants as overstock . Even more , seeds can sit in a storage area for a few years - all the while being ready to plant at a moment ’ s notice . Finally , you can plant seeds whenever you need them , while it often takes mother plants 2 months to regenerate to the point of being able to give clones again . Depending on the size and scope of your cultivation operation , growers tend to dedicate anywhere from 5 % to 25 % of their facilities to nurseries and propagation . While this much space might not seem like a big deal , it is when your cultivation license limits the total square footage of your garden canopy . By eliminating mother plants and clones in favor of optimized seeds , you can dedicate more canopy space to growing flowers . Needless to say , adding 25 % more production space will greatly bolster your overall yield , as well as your bottom line . If you really want to boost output , Phylos ’ s Automatic Series seeds are fully feminized , day-neutral F1 hybrids that mature in an average of 65-75 days , allowing for a steady harvest rhythm and workflow .
INTEGRATED PEST MANAGEMENT ( IPM ) STRATEGY Shifting from clones to seed-grown plants also greatly lightens the load for different integrated pest management ( IPM ) strategies . Simply put , the more cannabis plants you care for at your facility , the more energy and resources you must pour into IPM . Pathogens and bugs are always major concerns with nurseries and mother plants . For example , if a mother plant is infected with Hop Latent Viroid ( HLVd ), it will pass the virus onto your clones - even if you can ’ t visibly see the pathogen . In such instances , concerns with IPM shift from cutting operational costs to the potential loss of an entire crop if HLVd makes it to your flowering room . When growing from seed , you eliminate many of the vulnerabilities that come with mother plants and nurseries .
Not only will you be keeping fewer plants alive at a time , but not having to take cuttings eliminates the need to handle so many fresh plants – a process that is always a great vector for spreading disease . Perhaps most importantly , there is no chance of seeds spreading disease from one crop to the next .
LABOR & WORKFLOW IN PROPAGATION When you transition from clone propagation to seed-grown plants , you will also cut down on your labor expenditures . The labor with clone propagation extends far beyond the regular care of mother plants . You also must account for the amount of work it takes to start a new crop with clones . Taking thousands of clones at a time is extremely laborintensive . Not only is there the tedious work of moving plants and taking cuttings , but you also have to keep different strains organized , while ensuring that the work area remains sterile the whole time . When growing with optimized seeds , all you have to do is plant your seeds and give them a gentle watering . As such , you can circumvent much of the repetitive work that comes with clones , while also eliminating the risk of spreading pathogens by handling fresh plant material . Especially when you use quality , production-ready cannabis seeds like those from Phylos , you can count on every optimized seed sprouting as it should .
SUMMARY Within the history of cannabis cultivation , both clones and seed propagation have brought unique benefits to the table . Whether it be the predictability of clones or the robust nature of seeds , it has made sense for growers to use either method of propagation at times . Yet , when choosing between seeds and clones , cultivators have always had to sacrifice the best attributes of one for the other . However , as breeders now have bettercontrolled genetics with optimized seeds , commercial producers can capitalize on the very best traits of both clone and seed propagation .
Not only are optimized seeds beneficial when it comes to reliable genetics , but seed growing also helps cut operational costs with facilities design , IPM strategy , and employee labor . In an interesting turn of events , since growers can now put all their trust in F1 hybrids and feminized seeds , it is creating a ripple effect in modern cannabis production . Namely , cultivators are able to redesign cultivation facilities and employee workflows around these new scientific developments .
brought to you by phylos . bio
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