Maximum Yield Cannabis Canada July/August 2023 | Page 8

The amount of information is endless as there are hundreds of articles covering virtually every topic to help you grow your best cannabis .” from the EDITOR
TG Toby Gorman

Imagine having free access to hundreds of grow articles by some of the industry ’ s best writers with just a couple of clicks of a mouse ? Well , imagine no more . We ’ re opening up all of our current and digital back issues of Maximum Yield Cannabis to our audience so you can have all of the information you need to grow the best indoor or outdoor garden possible . Just go to maximumyield . com / latest-issues and choose an issue you want to read right off the rack . The table of contents is searchable , so just click on any title and it will take you right to that page — no need to flip through pages to get to the articles you want to read . And , if you find an article or advertisement you think a friend will enjoy , every page in the magazine is easily shareable .

Have a friend who is just starting to grow ? Go ahead and share our cover feature , “ 5 Easiest Cannabis Strains for Newbie Growers ” ( page 18 ). Know somebody struggling with their growroom environment ? Send them “ Dialling in Growroom Temperature and Humidity ” ( page 22 ). The amount of information is endless as there are hundreds of articles covering virtually every topic to help you grow your best cannabis . And , if you have an article suggestion , feel free to contact us at editor @ maximumyield . com .
There is a lot of great information packed into every issue that you can read for free digitally or , if you prefer print , you can find MYC at your local grow shop .
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