Maximum Yield Cannabis Canada July/August 2023 | Page 48

There ’ s a lot going on in the world today to add to your stress , but studies show that cannabis can help naturally ease some of that anxiety without putting a dent in your pocketbook .



with Cannabis

by Karen Lloyd
s if the ongoing pandemic isn ’ t stressful enough , soaring costs for groceries , utilities , gas , and just about everything else continue to persist with no relief in sight . Everyday , we are bombarded with news of war , supply chain issues , and rampant inflation . A record number of people are taking second and third jobs , not to get ahead but just to keep their heads above water . Financial pressure can be one of the most debilitating stressors and 27 percent of adult Canadians report feeling extremely stressed right now while 65 percent report feeling more stressed than before the pandemic and have an overall reduction in their sense of wellbeing . Stress is running rampant in society and there can be serious negative health issues if stress levels stay elevated . There is good news , however . A recent study out of Washington State University ( WSU ) suggests cannabis can be beneficial in the treatment of stress , anxiety , and depression . Stress is a natural physical and mental reaction to negative experiences like a thin wallet on grocery day or an empty bank account when rent is due . These occurrences can cause the body to pump more blood , breathe a little faster , and flood your system with hormones in the event you need to spring into action and defend yourself . While the threat of things like lurking sabre-toothed tigers has been greatly diminished in our modern world , these fight-or-flight responses were once instrumental in saving our lives . Today our biological impulses to stress , when left unchecked , can cause cardiovascular disease , high blood pressure , and a host of metabolic syndromes and diseases . There are numerous methods to decrease our stress , from mindfulness meditation
to nature walks , but this article will focus on the stressrelieving effects of cannabis when used in proper doses . The WSU research team found that one puff of cannabis high in CBD and low in THC was optimal for reducing symptoms of depression , while two puffs of any type of cannabis was sufficient to reduce symptoms of anxiety . However , 10 or more puffs of cannabis high in CBD and high in THC produced the largest reductions in stress . One of the challenges of the study was that it was based on puffs which are not an accurate or precise measurement ; it also made no distinction between sativa or indica strains or concentrations . However , the study still proved cannabinoids do provide some therapeutic benefits with little in the way of negative side effects . Using a high-quality vaporizer can diminish the effects on your lungs and for those who do not want to ingest smoke in the form of a joint or vaporizer , THC and CBD tinctures as well as edibles can also contribute to the easing of anxiety and depression . Several other studies have focused on the medicinal use of microdosing , which has proven to beat anxiety in low doses but can also promote anxiety with consistent high usage . THC is the compound in cannabis that produces the feeling of being high while CBD produces no funny feelings but can be equally effective in low to moderate doses in the treatment of stress or anxiety .
48 Maximum Yield