Maximum Yield Cannabis Canada July/August 2023 | Page 34

“ Peat moss has the rare ability to properly support large cannabis plants , while also absorbing and retaining water evenly in the root zone .”
WHY IS PEAT MOSS GOOD FOR GROWING CANNABIS ? Due to its unique properties , peat moss is popular among both hydroponic and soil cannabis growers . Peat moss has the rare ability to properly support large cannabis plants , while also absorbing and retaining water evenly in the root zone . Depending on your cultivation system and climate , you can purchase peat moss substrates of different densities , as well as those mixed with different materials . The PRO-MIX ® HP ® blend from Premier Tech is a great option for hydro growers needing increased air porosity and reduced water retention . Since it uses fibrous peat moss and coarse perlite , this media dries out quicker than general peat-based mixes . Premier Tech has gone a step further with the PRO-MIX ® HP ® MYCORRHIZAE Open Top Grow Bag system . By integrating soil bags with tear-off openings , you can place the bags directly in your grow room or greenhouse — eliminating the labour and mess of transplanting . Cannabis growers love working with peat moss for the following reasons :
Sterility Sphagnum moss grows in very specific low-oxygen environments . In fact , Sphagnum moss is one of the very few plant species that can grow in the harsh , anaerobic conditions of bogs . Since most other plant species can ’ t live in such an environment , peat moss is naturally less prone to weed seeds and pathogens than most soil mixes are .
Beneficial Microbes As peat moss is essentially sterile , Premier Tech adds natural bacteria and fungi that are beneficial for cannabis plants . The microorganism Bacillus creates a physical barrier around the roots to strengthen cannabis plant and the mycorrhizal fungi expands the root system , accessing more nutrients and water for the plant .
Balanced pH Peat moss has an extremely predictable pH profile . In fact , you can always count on peat moss being slightly acidic in the 3.0-4.5 range . As such , you know exactly what you are getting with peat moss cultivation media . For peat moss potting mixes made for cannabis , manufacturers adjust the mix to the 5.2-5.8 range . In other instances , growers might add peat moss to an alkaline soil to better balance the PH for cannabis plants .
Water & Nutrient Retention Since peat moss can hold more than 20 times its own mass in water , it will keep your cannabis plants adequately hydrated for long periods of time . Especially in dry climates like California and Nevada , peat moss can be extremely helpful with water conservation efforts . Especially in hydroponics , valuable nutrients are easily washed out of most cultivation substrates like coco coir . By holding onto nutrients , peat moss helps lessen your nutrient consumption , saving you precious money and resources . These retention capabilities also ensure that your cannabis plants have the nutrients they need during all phases of growth .
SUMMARY Peat moss is truly an incredible cultivation substrate . It is of the few compounds that is organically-sourced , while also being largely inert . Aside from beneficial bacteria like Bacillus and fungi like mycorrhizae , growers have 100 % precision control over garden inputs when using peat moss . Due to its water retention and nutrientholding capabilities , peat moss can really boost your bottom line — especially in commercial production .
Whether you grow hydroponically or in soil , it ' s worth giving peat moss a serious look . Due to so many favourable properties , peat moss is highly effective as a standalone substrate or additive to soil mixes . If you aren ’ t sure which peat moss product is best for you , there are a number of excellent PRO-MIX ® products on the market — with ample educational materials included . brought to you by pthorticulture . com / en / crops / medicinal-plants
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