Maximum Yield Cannabis Canada July/August 2023 | Page 31

( a . k . a . coriander pickled coriander )
• 3 x 8 oz . mason jars with lids
• medium saucepan
• measuring cup + spoons
• canning tongs INGREDIENTS
• 2 cups fresh green coriander seeds
• ½ tsp . dry coriander seeds
• 1 Tbsp . Jacobsen sea salt flakes
• ¼ tsp . ground black pepper
• ¼ tsp . yellow mustard seeds
• ¼ tsp . celery seeds
• ¼ tsp . fennel seeds
• ½ tsp . dry onion bits
• ¼ tsp . dry gunpowder green tea leaves
• 6 sprigs bolted cilantro ( 2 ” long , 2 or 3 each jar )
• 6 fresh young cannabis sprigs
• 2 Tbsp . sugar
• 1 cup cannabis infused rice wine vinegar *
• ½ cup tap or river water ( just not pond water ) INSTRUCTIONS


( a . k . a . coriander pickled coriander )

1 . place water , vinegar , sugar , salt , all dry spices , and green coriander seeds in a pan over low heat .
2 . stir until sugar dissolves , remove from heat and add green coriander seeds to the pan .
3 . simmer for 30-45 minutes .
4 . place an even amount of green coriander seeds and liquid in each jar .
5 . evenly distribute the spices and fresh herbs into each jar , leaving a ½ inch space at the top .
6 . place lid on each jar finger-tight and process for 10-12 minutes in a canning water bath .
7 . remove from the water bath and let sit at room temp for 6 hours .
8 . tighten the lid and store properly .
* Made in the MB2e by Magical Butter
Use as a garnish on pan-seared or pan-roasted fish or sprinkle on a fresh garden tomato salad .
PREP TIME : 30 minutes YIELD : 2-3 eight oz . jars
STATUS : a crazy good condiment
FROM THE CANNABIS PANTRY : cannabis-infused rice wine vinegar CHEF ’ S STRAIN RECOMMENDATION : Coal Miner ’ s Daughter
Sources : www . gnomeautomatics . com | www . jacobsensalt . com | www . magicalbutter . com
Maximum Yield 31