Maximum Yield Cannabis Canada July/August 2023 | Page 23

Controlling humidity through ventilation is often the most practical method . Humidity can easily be lowered by increasing ( or raised by decreasing ) the cubic feet per minute ( CFM ) of air being exchanged throughout the room . This is usually done by adding a can-style exhaust fan . To increase the effectiveness of the exhaust fan , an intake hole can be added or widened , resulting in an increased CFM of air being moved through the room . A light baffle may need to be constructed around the intake hole to prevent light leakage and still allow plenty of air flow . For more reliable automation and increased efficiency , a hygrometer controller can be used to power the fan rather than a timer or thermostat . Because plants technically need fresh CO 2 rather than constant fresh air , many rooms configured with CO 2 injection systems will have little or no ventilation . Rooms configured in this fashion utilize dehumidifiers to control humidity , and extra air conditioning to control temperature . The enclosed area and lack of ventilation causes a rise in humidity . Furthermore , the increased metabolic rates the plants achieve from the added CO 2 leads to increased transpiration and an additional increase in humidity . In this situation , a humidifier would not be needed .

Many growers stress out over stressed plants and often overspend on potential fixes while overlooking the simple and most important parameters . Growroom temperature and humidity must be kept in certain ranges at all times . The ideal range for humidity is 30-50 percent and the ideal temperature range is 13-30 ° C , targeting 22 ° C for hydro and 24 ° C for soil . Focus on these two areas to prevent and correct most growroom problems . There are many pest and disease treatments available , however , it is much easier to prevent issues by providing an environment in which these problems cannot occur . To ensure the best quality and yields , give your cannabis plants what they want from start to finish . Seedlings or cuttings typically want slightly warmer temps and high humidity , while maturing buds typically want slightly drier and cooler temps ( think springtime and autumn ) before harvesting . Growers typically control humidity by using fans to exhaust hot air while passively bringing in fresh , cool air . Further humidity and temperature control can be achieved by stand-alone or split A / C units . Check with your favourite grow store for different types of A / C units designed for use in a closed room . Consider adding CO 2 , especially if there is no fresh air intake or exhaust ventilation . Now that we ’ ve reviewed the big picture , let ’ s get into some details .

Plant density also impacts humidity ranges . The air in the room is displaced by increasing the number of plants , which also act as windbreaks and prevent other areas of the room from receiving fresh air for cooling and needed CO 2 . In addition to air displacement , additional plants cause a rise in humidity due to increased transpiration . Without proper ventilation or dehumidification , the water vapour transpired by the plants has nowhere to go . For this reason , as plant density increases in the garden , so too will ventilation and cooling needs . In this scenario , if the exhaust fans cannot keep up with the high humidity created from increased transpiration , a dehumidifier may also be necessary . Another thing to keep in mind when plant transpiration increases humidity is that if the high level of humidity is not corrected , transpiration is hindered , and thus overall plant metabolic rates will decrease . To prevent lowered metabolism and the slowing of plant growth , be sure to keep in mind the impact of plant density and transpiration and be proactive by controlling humidity levels before these issues arise .
Environmental Control in a Non-Sealed Indoor Room
Much like a typical greenhouse , in a non-sealed or open room , air is being exchanged between the outside world and the controlled environment . The room is influenced by outside conditions , so tools and equipment are used to enhance the environment . Air conditioning is often needed to remove the immense amount of heat put off by grow lights and other equipment . Exhaust fans and other ventilation equipment like ducting and filters are used to direct heat outside during summer and can be reconfigured to take advantage of the heat from the lights during winter . Indoor gardens attempt to mimic nature . This means simulating the sun inside an enclosed indoor space .
Maximum Yield 23