Maximum Yield Cannabis Canada July/August 2023 | Page 17

5 | AstroFlower
AstroFlower ( 1-6-11 ) is a potent source of potassium and phosphorus , designed to complement our Micro and Bloom nutrient products during the flowering stage of cannabis growth . This precise blend of elements assists with maximizing bud development , increasing potency , and producing essential oils and aromatics . It can be used in soil , soilless , and hydroponic gardens . AstroFlower does not contain animal products and comes in a wide variety of sizes .
6 | Fohse A3i LED
Protected from surges , dust , debris , mites , spores , and water , the A3i by Fohse is an unstoppable powerhouse of a grow light , capable of an unrivalled output of highintensity , full-spectrum light . Industry leading lenses focus more light to reach more of your canopy , while spectral customization provides light for all stages of growth . Passive heat management and power ramping features make this the most efficacious light in its class , with PPE figures that remain unmatched , and a total potential output that pushes the boundaries of cannabis cultivation .
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