Maximum Yield Australia/New Zealand September/October 2022 | Page 58

10 facts on


by Philip McIntosh
No pirate jokes , please .*
Arugula , also known as rocket , is Eruca vesicaria , a member of the mustard family , the Brassicaceae ( formerly known as the Cruciferae ).
The plant originated in the Mediterranean region and is a common ingredient in the cuisines of surrounding countries such as Morocco , Portugal , Italy , Turkey , and Lebanon .
Arugula is usually harvested before flowering , but if allowed to mature , edible seeds are formed in slender pods called siliques , which are characteristic of the mustard family .
Not only does arugula add flavour to dishes , the leaves are usually highly lobed , which adds visual interest to a mix of greens .
Usually consumed raw in salads , sandwiches , and smoothies , it has more recently found use as a pizza topping , in pasta sauces , in soups , or in omelettes .
From a nutritional standpoint you can ’ t go wrong with this leafy vegetable ; low in fat , carbs , sodium , sugar ( and protein ); source of vitamins A , C , and K , folates , iron , magnesium , and potassium .
Known for their peppery , spicy , or nutty flavour , arugula leaves should be harvested early because they become increasingly bitter as they develop .
That bitter taste also means it ’ s good for you ! The taste is typical of glucosinolates , which have antioxidant , anti-inflammation , and anti-cancer activity .
There are up to 20 known varieties of rocket , the two main ones available in Australia are simply ‘ rocket ’ and the hardier punkier sounding ‘ wild rocket ’ ( which is actually a different species , Diplotaxis tenuifolia ).
Arugula has occasionally been mentioned in historical documents as having aphrodisiac qualities . Don ’ t count on it .
* “ What is a pirate ’ s favourite vegetable ? Arrgh-ugula !” ( A joke told once by The Captain on SpongeBob Squarepants .)
58 Maximum Yield