Maximum Yield Australia/New Zealand September/October 2022 | Page 45

• Signal Word — This will be the largest word on the label and describes the relative toxicity of the pesticide and warns of any potential hazards .
• Caution — Means it can be slightly toxic . Caution lists the least toxic ingredients .
• Warning — States the product is moderately toxic .
• Danger / Poison — Warns a poisonous or highly toxic substance is present . The traditional skull and crossbones is often displayed with this designation .
Today ’ s environmentally mindful growers are opting for a more controlled approach to defending their gardens over the flame-thrower mindset of yesteryear . They realise synthetic pesticides are comprised of poisonous , manufactured chemicals and can be dangerously toxic . Even when used correctly , a synthetic icide has a wider kill-zone and can leave beneficial insects in its wake and even small mammals , not to mention ground contamination . Going organic really simplifies things and seriously reduces the risk of harming the birds and bees and the ecosystem . The advantages of applying natural pesticides to your plants are multi-fold . They are effective , break down quickly , and have little negative impact when used in moderation . Control is the goal . When shopping , choose the product that best targets your issue . Be smart and as problem specific as you can . The least amount of pesticide you can use , the better . Even the natural ones . Here is a list of some of them to help get you acquainted .

Today ’ s environmentally mindful growers are opting for a more controlled approach to defending their gardens over the flame-thrower mindset of yesteryear .”
Botanical pesticides can be applied without melting the planet or donning a hazmat suit but still , wearing appropriate gear and washing up afterward is recommended . The following icides target many of the most common troublemakers and generally don ’ t harm the good guys .
• Neem oil is also known as margosa oil . Through pressing , this oil is extracted from the seeds and fruit of the Neem tree . Originally from India , this oil is used in organic farming and to make medicines . The beauty of neem oil is its broad range effectiveness and low toxicity level . Insects targeted include whiteflies , thrips , aphids , gypsy moths , tomato hornworms , and a dozen more . Its smell is also a turn-off to ticks and mosquitoes .
• Citrus oils are just what their name says . Oils derived from citrus fruits . Most citrus oils hold some insecticidal properties . Some more than others . All citrus oils are extracted from the rind of the fruit . These oils are used to control spider mites and aphids on your plants . Non-toxic .
• Quassia is a tropical plant with remarkable medicinal and insecticidal properties . Quassia chips are made from its white bark and effectively target caterpillars , aphids , and sawflies . Another perquisite of this natural deterrent is that quassia is one of the safest botanical insecticides available and is non-toxic to ladybugs and bees .
• Ryania comes from the South American shrub Ryania speciosa . The extracted and dried stem wood can be mixed with carrier compounds to create a dust or liquid . People , animals , and beneficial insects are not harmed due to its low toxicity . Its hit list includes aphids , Japanese beetles , lepidopterous ( moth ) larvae and codling moths , sunflower moths , and painted lady butterflies .
• BT ( Bacillus thuringiensis ) is a naturally occurring microbe found in soil and can be purchased online and in home outlet stores . There are numerous types of BT that effectively target very specific insects so do your homework . Once ingested by the larvae , BT produces a certain protein which is toxic to them . They die by infection or starvation and rather quickly , too . Totally harmless , otherwise .
• Diatomaceous Earth ( DE ) is a mineral obtained from deposits of fossil diatoms , which is a tiny plankton that lived in the world ’ s oceans some 20 million years ago . It is ground to a powder . When dusted on the plant , DE absorbs the protective oils in the pest ’ s outer cuticle as they meander through the dust . The insect dies of desiccation ( drying up ). Works great on mites , moth larvae , snails , and slugs . Only works when the product is dry . Zero toxicity but can be harmful to beneficial insects , including bees . Buy natural and not pool-filter grade DE . Avoid inhaling .
• Insecticidal soaps , also known as horticultural soaps , are used to combat plant eating and sap sucking , softbodied insects such as spider mites , aphids , and their ilk . This remedial home brew contains a mixture of natural ingredients like hot red pepper or chili powder mixed with a little carrier oil or some organic liquid soap to form a binder . Add a little water and apply with a spray bottle . Dried up , rained off ? Reapply .
There are many more botanical pesticides available to combat almost any insect issue you may encounter in the garden . Find the one that suits your need and simply follow the directions . Do this and you ’ ll be well on your way to creating a healthier garden , a cleaner planet , and a lot of dead bugs , naturally .
Maximum Yield 45