Maximum Yield Australia/New Zealand September/October 2022 | Page 36

Obviously not all vegetables are the same and their times to be harvested and indicators that they are peaking vary wildly . There are often similarities in harvest methods and times for plants in the same family , though not always ( there ’ s always an exception !). For some of the more commonly grown crops , use these tips as a guide for when your plants are ready to be harvested .
Beets — Beets are harvestable at different times . Not only can you get two or more crops per year , but they are harvestable at different stages of growth depending on what the intent of growing them is . If there is no concern for harvesting the greens , then let them get woody and let the beet grow until it is at least 8cm across before digging up . If intending to eat the greens as well , harvest the beets when they are no more than 5cm in diameter . They can be harvested as small as 2.5cm if smaller ones are desired .
Cabbage — Harvest heads when they are firm and before they start to split . Heads can be from 10-25cm in diameter . Twist off carefully to break it free of its roots . Plan on harvesting as early as two months after sowing , to as long as three months .
Carrots — Carrot types have a range of sizes and colours . They typically start getting harvested once you can see they are at least 1.25-2cm in diameter , but can stay in until they are as wide as 4cm in diameter .
Like beets , there can be more than one harvest per year as mulched-in carrots can stay in the ground over winter . Each crop will take up to 80 or so days to reach maturity from seed .
Collards and Kale — Leaves can be harvested almost as soon as they appear . Do not cut or harvest all the leaves at once so the plant can continue to grow and provide harvestable leaves throughout the season . Take older leaves at the bottom of the plant first and before the midrib gets wide . Harvesting after a frost improves the flavour .
Cucumber — Cucumbers can be harvested anytime they are 5cm or longer , and firm , but before the skin turns yellow , tough , and bitter . Slicing types are usually best picked starting at 15cm long and pickling at 5cm . Harvesting with a knife or pruners should be done often to encourage continual production , even as often as daily when needed . Harvesting usually begins about two months after seeding . Vines should not be disturbed when harvesting as it can impede future production .

Vegetables should be harvested gently so as to not disturb the rest of the plant and interfere with its ability to produce more .”

36 Maximum Yield