Maximum Yield Australia/New Zealand September/October 2022 | Page 32

Starting a Deep Water Culture System
Getting started with DWC is perhaps the simplest type of hydroponic setup . All it takes is a bucket , a lid with a hole drilled to fit a net pot , air stones , and an air pump . Place the seedling or rooted cutting ( a . k . a . clone ) in the net pot with any hydroponic grow medium . When planting small plants in a medium , hydroponic growers use grow rocks , coco-coir , stonewool cubes , perlite , and yes , even potting soil will work in a pinch . Allow the water level to just barely touch the bottom of the net pot enough to wet the grow medium . Once roots spread , lower the water level a bit further below the net pot bottom and allow the suspended roots to hang . The upper section of the bucket , although not filled by water , is an extremely humid environment and will form a spider web of root growth to drink the humidity from the air . Strong tap roots will grow towards the bottom of the bucket and constantly drink aerated nutrients from the water . With hydroponic nutrients , the elements are chelated with the proper ionic charge for immediate absorption , so the DWC system becomes a nutrient factory on tap which can skyrocket plant growth .
“ When the environment is correctly tuned , DWC systems offer low maintenance , simple low-cost setup , and explosive root growth that supports large plant production .”
DWC and Environmental Controls
To properly thrive using any grow method , environmental control is key . Keep garden temps between 10-30 ° C , targeting 21-24 ° C . This will keep water temps in the correct range for roots and plants to grow vigorously , while keeping away the pathogens and bad biology that can negatively affect them . Deep water culture and RDWC are important cultivation methods for any hydroponic gardener . Perhaps the oversimplification of these styles is the most useful tool , especially when on a budget or strict timeline . After young plants are allowed a chance to harden in and get used to their environment , root growth will explode in DWC . Be sure to keep a fresh and clean mix of nutrients by changing the water weekly . Leave air stones running in the water culture 24 / 7 , providing roots with plenty of oxygen . This will allow for maximum absorption and faster , stronger plant growth .
Providing these essentials will provide indoor growers with maximum yields for minimal effort . Don ’ t be intimidated , as this simple method can be setup with ease . Just get going with one stand-alone plant or use DWC or RDWC for your entire garden . Keep the water culture well aerated and maintain a pH between 5.6 and 6.4 . Try to keep ambient room temps in a range between 18-26 ° C . If growing in the correct climate , try using DWC outdoors as well . Whether indoor or outdoor , be sure to top off warm tanks with cold water to prevent potential problems . Enjoy this simple method to learn about and enjoy the benefits hydroponic growing offers .
32 Maximum Yield