Maximum Yield Australia/New Zealand September/October 2022 | Page 23

B E N E F I C I A L m i c r o b e i n o c u l a n t
Produces highly active enzymes inc . Lactase
Creates a larger healthy root zone
Accelerates bio-conversion of organic matter and soil amendments
Protects against root diseases such as Pythium , Phytophthora and Fusarium wilt
Protects the plant from stress and nutrient imbalance


Increases uptake and bioavailability of minerals
BIO-ONE is an organic microbial solution that contains a blend of beneficial plant and ocean ferments to inoculate your plants root zone with diverse salt tolerant beneficial microbes .
It contains a blend of both beneficial aerobic and anerobic microbes including Lacto Bacillus , Bacillus subtilis , streptomyces , and other L . A . B bacterium that produce enzymes including Lactase to speed up nutrient processing , breakdown organic matter and protect your plant from pathogens .
Removes Bio Films from degrading roots caused by overwatering or high humidity .
Use BIO-ONE at 1ml per Litre of solution from clone through to ripening .
Compatible with all systems including Recirculating and Run to waste Hydroponics , Living soils and Aquaponics . Available in 250ml , 1L , 5L and 20L sizes
checkout our Instagram for amazing grower results ! biodiesel _ nutrients and our feed guides at www . biodieselnutrients . com . au