Maximum Yield Australia/New Zealand September/October 2022 | Page 20

Amendment Provides Higher Yields ; Saves Water
With costs up for growers and farmers around the world and droughts continuing in California , a newly marketed product is being dubbed a major cost saver while bringing in higher yields . Carbon Neutral Ag Sciences recently launched BountiGel , an agspecific , next-generation soil amendment that boosts production with less water and fertiliser . “ Water and fertiliser are the two most critical inputs for yield , and they happen to be the two that are most impacted by today ’ s global warming issues and supply chain challenges ,” says company CEO Paul Goldberg . By holding water and nutrients in the root zone , and preventing downward migration of these essential elements , plants survive better , grow larger , and yield more . The product repeatedly absorbs up to 250x its weight in water and releases it to the root system as needed , saving water , fertiliser , and nutrients by preventing migration . It has been tested by University of California Davis as well as State University Fresno and independent pilot studies .
— freshplaza . com
Fruit Inflation Down but Consumers Still Feeling Pinch
Consumers are increasingly concerned about the impact of inflation on their grocery bill , particularly in the produce department , finds the June edition of the IRI monthly survey of primary shoppers . “ Fresh produce is among the most frequently mentioned items when shoppers reflect on inflation ,” says Jonna Parker , team lead fresh at IRI , in the June 210 Analytics report titled , “ June Brought a Significant Deceleration in Fruit Inflation .” Additionally , IRI data reveals that 51 percent of shoppers are stocking up on certain items more than usual . Of that percentage , 18 percent are doing this out of fear the items will not be available next time and 26 percent out of concern that prices may rise further . Unlike the beginning of the year when inflation was predominantly driven by fruit , it was vegetables that reached 8.2 percent inflation in June 2022 versus June 2019 . In the 52-week view , fresh fruit inflation is still far above normal .
— thepacker . com
Tomatoes and Peppers can Prevent Women ’ s Health Issues
Women tend to live longer than men but typically have higher rates of illness . New research from the University of Georgia ( UGA ) suggests these higher rates of illness can be improved by a better diet — one that is high in pigmented carotenoids such as kale , spinach , watermelon , bell peppers , tomatoes , oranges , and carrots . These bright-coloured fruits and vegetables are essential in preventing visual and cognitive loss . “ The idea is that men get a lot of the diseases that tend to kill you , but women get those diseases less often or later , so they persevere but with illnesses that are debilitating ,” said Billy R . Hammond , a UGA professor and co-author of the study . Two specific carotenoids , lutein and zeaxanthin , are found in specific tissues of the eye and brain and have been shown to directly improve central nervous system degeneration . “ Men and women eat about the same amount of these carotenoids , but the requirements for women are much higher ,” says Hammond .
— hortidaily . com
20 Maximum Yield