Maximum Yield Australia/New Zealand September/October 2021 | Page 49

Essential Mineral Elements
The essential mineral elements can be classified as either macro- or micronutrients . The macronutrients are the nutrients used in higher concentrations relative to micronutrients , which are absorbed in smaller amounts . The essential macronutrients are nitrogen ( N ), phosphorus ( P ), potassium ( K ), calcium ( Ca ), magnesium ( Mg ), and sulfur ( S ). The essential micronutrients are chlorine ( Cl ), iron ( Fe ), boron ( B ), manganese ( Mn ), zinc ( Zn ), copper ( Cu ), molybdenum ( Mo ), and nickel ( Ni ). Micronutrients , although absorbed in lower amounts than macronutrients , play an equally important role in plant health and crop production . A well-balanced soil will always have the essential elements ( both macro- and micronutrients ) available to plants .
Beneficial Elements
In addition to the essential mineral elements , there is another set of mineral elements used by plants . These elements are called beneficial elements . Beneficial elements are not necessarily required for plant functions , but they have been found to show various favourable characteristics . The beneficial elements are silicon ( Si ), cobalt ( Co ), selenium ( Se ), and sodium ( Na ).
Soil vs Dirt
In organic gardening , soil isn ’ t just dirt . Instead , soil is considered a living organism chock-full of beneficial microorganisms . Soil will also contain organic material and / or ingredients that , as they are broken down by microorganisms , are converted into nutrients for plants . Although the terms dirt and soil are often used synonymously , they are not the same in terms of organic gardening . However , by amending ingredients rich in macro- and micronutrients , beneficial elements , and beneficial microorganisms , just about any substrate or dirt can be converted into a rich , living soil .
A good place to start when building an organic outdoor soil is to add compost material . Compost is a general term referring to composted ( aged and broken down ) organic matter and can be derived from a number of different sources but is usually derived from plant material and / or manure . Compost will contain a good level of essential elements in both macro- and micronutrients . Not only does compost provide significant nutritional value , it also adds an abundance of microbial life to the soil . These beneficial microorganisms are the foundation for nutrient uptake and aid in the stimulation of new root development .
Worm Castings
Like compost , worm castings ( or vermicompost ) are a significant source of both macro- and micronutrients and beneficial microorganisms . Worm castings are known to enrich soils and improve disease resistance in crops . If using worm castings as a soil additive , be sure to purchase pure worm castings . There are many products on the market that are labelled as worm castings , but many contain only a small percentage of actual worm castings in their composition .
Organic Dry Ingredients
In addition to compost and / or worm castings , it is beneficial to add individual organic dry ingredients to soil . Individual organic dry ingredients can be added in various quantities , depending on the crop being grown . Generally , an organic soil with a wide variety of ingredients ensures the plants receive everything they need . However , some crops may require specific nutrients . Individual organic dry ingredients allow the cultivator to tailor the soil composition to the specific crop .
“ A well-balanced soil will always have the essential elements ( both macro- and micronutrients ) available to plants .”
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