Maximum Yield Australia/New Zealand November/December 2022 | Page 50

“ Guano can be spread on top of the soil and watered in or blended into the soil with your favourite compost .”

It ’ s Tea Time !
Many growers like to work with guano in liquid form . This is done by creating what is known as a ‘ bat guano tea ’ which can then be sprayed directly onto the plants or poured at the base . The recipe is pretty straight forward . You ’ ll be adding about a tablespoon of dried guano to a quart / litre of warm , preferably unchlorinated water . To make larger amounts , use one cup of guano per gallon ( 3.78 L ). Stir gently into the water until well mixed . Be careful , though . Read a little further before you make this . Let it sit overnight and apply directly to the plant ’ s leaves via spraying or pouring onto the base of the plant . Some gardeners expressed that due to the complex structure of guano it may take a week or more before the plant begins to fully utilise the nutrients contained therein . You should be growing strong after that .
The Masked Gardener
Be careful with bat guano . ALWAYS wear a mask and avoid breathing in its dust . This powdery poop can carry a dangerous fungus called histoplasma that causes Histoplasmosis in
humans . Histoplasmosis is a nasty respiratory disease that can be fatal if left untreated . So exercise caution when working with guano in the garden , greenhouse , or anywhere , really . These microscopic spores thrive in warm , moist areas like the lungs , so you don ’ t want to be unknowingly breathing in those dangerous pathogens .
To the Bat Cave ! ( not so fast )
Know of a cave or two near you and are thinking of gathering your own guano ? Forget it . While mysterious and exciting , caves are extremely dangerous places and not for the inexperienced . And trying to collect bat guano only adds to the danger . Within a dark cave you can get lost , slip into a bottomless hole , break bones , drown , be poisoned by toxic air or , perhaps , meet a friend of Gollum ’ s . Ergo , unless you are an experienced spelunker ( cave explorer ) or on a guided tour , you should avoid even entering a cave . Instead , enter a garden supply centre or go online and buy your guano . It ’ s a lot easier and a much safer option .
Batting a Thousand
As you may have surmised , bats are amazing little creatures and great for the environment in a wealth of ways . From their critical pollination of some of our favourite fruits and crops , to helping control the insect population . Add to that their gift of the golden guano and ours is a much better world with bats in it .
So if you ’ re looking to turbo-charge your favourite foliage , you ’ ve found the perfect fertiliser . Not only are you going to love the results , your plants are guano love you for it .


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