Maximum Yield Australia/New Zealand November/December 2022 | Page 48

BATS & GUANO a gift from the garden gods

Not only is bat guano an amazing supplement for plants and crops , but bats themselves are pretty amazing little creatures when it comes to the ecosystem they live in .
by Alan Ray
It ’ s a Dung Deal
Say the words feces , scat , feculence , crap , caca , and a shovel-full of other euphemisms and you would be describing pretty much any animal ’ s defecation . Poop , to put it politely . But say the word ‘ guano ’ and you ’ re talkin ’ bats and seabirds only . Moreover , bats are the only mammal to excrete guano . So this article is about bat guano . That , and how this amazing organic excrement can increase the development and growth of nearly every plant in your garden , greenhouse , or growroom . Brimming with nutrients and high in nitrogen and phosphorus , bat guano can be used to feed plants , amend poor soil , or even enhance the texture and nutritional value of already good dirt .
48 Maximum Yield