Maximum Yield Australia/New Zealand November/December 2022 | Page 38

Other Food Preservation Techniques
Freezing Freezing the produce is another relatively easy way to preserve your garden ’ s bounty . Many vegetables can be frozen raw or after a quick blanching . Most frozen vegetables will remain good for up to a year . Some of the most commonly frozen vegetables are corn , peas , broccoli , cauliflower , carrots , green beans , squash , spinach , kale , chard , and collards .
Drying Drying is another useful technique when preserving your crops for the long haul . Fruits and vegetables can last for a year or more when dried properly . Culinary herbs and spices will maintain quality for up to three years when dried . A dehydrator is a handy tool for drying fruits and vegetables . Some fruits and vegetables , along with culinary herbs , can simply be hung to dry in a dark , low-humidity environment . A solar dehydrator can also be used to speed up the drying process without using electricity . Some of the most popular crops to preserve by drying are culinary herbs , spices , apples , pears , peaches , plums , apricots , strawberries , blueberries , carrots , celery , corn , green beans , potatoes , and tomatoes .
Canning If you are looking to preserve your harvest even longer , canning is the way to go . When done correctly , canned goods can last for upwards of 20 years . However , although still likely safe to eat , the texture and flavours of the canned goods generally do not hold for that long . Most high-acid foods , such as tomatoes , will retain good flavour and / or texture for one to two years when canned . Low-acid foods , including most vegetables , will retain their quality for up to two to five years . The water-bath canning method is pretty straightforward . The produce is packed into glass jars ( with canning lids and bands ) and submerged in boiling water for a specific length of time ( check your recipe for duration ). Once removed , the air within the jars escapes and an air-tight seal forms . Some of the most common vegetables to can are tomatoes , cucumbers , beans , corn , various fruits , squash , leafy greens , asparagus , and carrots . Processing times vary depending on which produce is being preserved . Always make sure to follow the recommended processing time for the particular produce you are canning .
Fermentation To preserve by fermentation , the produce is processed and submerged in a salt solution . Naturally occurring beneficial bacteria and yeasts will begin to establish in the mixture . The salt solution keeps pathogenic microorganisms out , while allowing the beneficial microorganisms to ferment the produce . Fermented vegetables can be left in a crock for long-term storage or moved to the freezer , refrigerator , or even canned to extend storage even further . Sauerkraut and kimchi are perhaps the most well-known fermented vegetable concoctions . The most popular produce to ferment includes cabbage , carrots , cauliflower , cucumbers , garlic , kohlrabi , peppers , radishes , snap beans , and turnips .
Preserving the harvest is a fabulous way to enjoy the fruits of your labour for an extended period of time . Learning how to preserve food is also a great way to become more self-sufficient . Growing and preserving your own food gives you more control over what you are putting into your body . Learning which produce stores best in which conditions is a solid first step in food preservation . There is much to learn , and resources abound for the curious gardener . Whether a cultivator freezes , dries , cans , ferments , or uses a root cellar to preserve his or her crops , he or she will have the pleasure of enjoying and sharing the garden ’ s bounty in the middle of winter .
38 Maximum Yield