Maximum Yield Australia/New Zealand November/December 2022 | Page 22

Compost Could Further Boost Crop Production
A new way of using compost could boost global crop production and deliver huge benefits to the planet , according to a study co-led by The University of Queensland . Professor Susanne Schmidt from UQ ’ s School of Agriculture and Food Sciences says adopting a Precision Compost Strategy ( PCS ) in large-scale agriculture could improve crop yield , soil health , and divert biowaste from landfill where it generates harmful greenhouse gases . “ Instead of relying just on mineral fertilisers , PCS involves supplementing the right type of compost with nutrients to match the needs of soils and crops ,” Professor Schmidt says . “ Soils that have become compacted and acidic are then aerated and neutralised . The result is they can retain more water , facilitate root growth , and nourish the organisms that keep soils and crops healthy .” She estimates PCS could boost the annual global production of major cereal crops by 96 million tons , or four percent of current production . In Australia , some seven million tons of biowaste goes to the landfill annually .
— phys . org
Gotham Greens Raises Big Cash for Expansion
Gotham Greens has raised more than $ 310 million in new capital , bringing the fast-growing company ’ s total financing to $ 440 million since its founding in 2009 . Gotham Greens plans to use the funding to accelerate its mission to decentralise agricultural production and bring more greenhouse-grown produce and fresh , plant-based foods to people across the U . S . through channel and geographic market expansion , increased operational capacity , and new product development . The extra dollars will help support Gotham Greens ’ new greenhouse projects currently under construction in Seagoville , TX ( near Dallas ), Monroe , GA . ( near Atlanta ), and Windsor , CO . ( near Denver ), the expansion of its existing greenhouses in Chicago and Providence , R . I ., as well as future projects and acquisitions in other regions across the U . S . By 2023 , Gotham Greens will own and operate 13 high-tech , climate-controlled hydroponic greenhouses , totaling more than 40 acres ( 1.8 million square feet ) across nine states .
— hortidaily . com
Large Swedish Tomato Grower Halts Production
Nordic Greens , one of the largest tomato growers in both Denmark and Sweden , has announced they will not grow any tomatoes during winter in their Sweden-based cultivation because of the skyrocketing electricity prices . “ We have five hectares of lit cultivation ,” Mads Pedersen , CEO of the company , says . “ And we had to take that out because electricity prices are just ridiculous . We wouldn ’ t have been able to pay for the increased cost . That ’ s why we decided to skip this cycle .” The company has around 39.5 acres worth of greenhouses , of which five acres are equipped with LED lighting that is on 18 hours a day . Usually , 38 tons of tomatoes are grown every week during the winter . For the first time in eight years , the company has chosen to cancel the seedlings that were to be planted . The cost of electricity in Europe has increased several times over because of the Russian invasion of Ukraine and inflation .
— hortidaily . com
22 Maximum Yield