Maximum Yield Australia/New Zealand November/December 2022 | Page 14

With the acceleration of climate change , famine is a word now being used in countries where food is typically abundant .”
from the EDITOR
TG Toby Gorman

Famine . It ’ s a scary word . For people in

Australia , famine is something that only visits Third World countries , distant lands where images of people from different cultures and languages suffer through drought , political instability , and war . With the acceleration of climate change , famine is a word now being used in countries where food is typically abundant . In the U . S . consider this : Even though California only has four percent of the country ’ s farms ( about 75,000 ), it supplies America with 40 percent of its food . Without California , the U . S . wouldn ’ t have most kinds of nuts ( think almonds ), fruits , and vegetables . In fact , California produces more than 450 different kinds of crops generating about $ 50 billion in revenue each year . For the past decade , California has been under attack from climate change , suffering wildfires , mudslides , and megadrought . It has become so bad that farmers are being paid to leave their lands unplanted because there is not enough irrigation water . The situation is more than alarming . In recent decades , Australia has seen a shift towards higher temperatures and lower winter rainfall , which has had significant effects on many farmers .
Despite these trends there remains much uncertainty over the long-run effects of climate change on farm businesses . For more on the subject check out Lee Allen ’ s article “ No Farms , No Food : Idling Farmland in California ” on page 52 . During COVID-19 , fearing supply chain issues , millions of people turned to growing their own vegetable gardens , with many communities collaborating to share different produce . It ’ s a practise we may want to keep up . Maybe turn that lawn into garden boxes so it ’ s more productive , or build planters to take up that unused space on your deck . It ’ s never a bad idea to be self-sufficient . Speaking of self-sufficient , learning how to preserve the fruits and vegetables you ’ ve grown is a great way to save money and keep the pantry filled long after the growing season has ended . Eric Hopper provides some great tips in his article “ How to Extend the Life of Your Harvest ” on page 36 .
Growing your own food is one of the most satisfying things you can do , and with all that lies ahead , it might be the perfect time to start .
14 Maximum Yield