Maximum Yield Australia/New Zealand November/December 2020 | Page 29

by Eric Hopper


Sure , your plants will do okay if you leave them on their own , but if you really want to champion a high-yield garden , provide them with the right nutrients during the right cycles .

P s Mg


If a plant is to reach its full potential , it must be provided with specific nutrients at various times throughout its life cycle . Plants grown outdoors and in soil rely on the soil ’ s microorganism to break down organic matter into usable nutrients . Even a high-quality soil with a wide range of ingredients may not be able to supply a plant in its blooming or ripening stage with the optimal ratio of nutrients required for maximised flower and essential oil production . This is why many outdoor growers amend the soil during the blooming stage with either dry ingredients , which contain the elements that enhance blooming , or liquid additives designed to do the same . Although chemical fertilisers and additives can be used in an outdoor garden , many outdoor growers prefer organic or organic-based additives to boost the final stages of growth . Organic additives enable the soil to continue functioning as a living soil and embrace the power of beneficial microorganisms .

Top Dressing
Top dressing is amending a soil by adding various dry fertilisers to the surface around the base of the plants . As the plants are watered , via rain or an irrigation system , the water-soluble nutrients become available to the plants . As time goes by , the organic material on the surface is broken down further by beneficial microorganisms and even more nutrients become available to the plant . In order to ensure a plant receives the appropriate amount of nutrients specific to blooming , a grower may choose to top dress his or her soil at the beginning or in the middle of the blooming stage . It should be noted that the majority of the nutrition provided by top dressing is not instantaneous , so some forethought must be used when top dressing . If a grower wishes to boost the final stages of blooming , it is necessary to top dress a few weeks before that stage begins so the organic material has some time to break down and become available .
“ An organic tea , brewed from any of the previously mentioned dry topdressing ingredients , can be a very effective way to deliver stage-specific nutrition to an outdoor garden .“
For example , during an outdoor plant ’ s blooming stage , a grower can top dress the soil with high phosphorus bat or seabird guano . As it rains or the grower waters the plants , the guano will provide a boost of phosphorus and microorganisms to the plants . The added phosphorus will help stimulate the flowering process and the microorganisms will increase nutrient uptake . Plants that are given a boost of phosphorus , potassium , calcium , and microorganisms in the later stages of blooming will produce denser flowers and an increased amount of essential oils .
There are many different organic dry ingredients available to use as a top dressing for outdoor plants . When discussing top dressing or amending a soil for the later blooming stages , the most effective ingredients are those that contain very little or no nitrogen . Supplying blooming plants with too much nitrogen will inhibit large flower production . Organic ingredients with higher ratios of phosphorus , potassium , and calcium are best suited for top dressing a garden in the blooming stage . Due to the relatively fast availability of nutrients , the following are some of the most popular top-dressing ingredients used by outdoor growers :
Top Dressing Ingredients for Adding Phosphorus ( P ):
• Bat Guano ( High Phosphorus ) — High-phosphorus bat guano is an old favourite of outdoor growers and an excellent source of phosphorus . Bat guano is known to not only increase flower sets , but also their size , aroma , and flavour . Many types of high-phosphorus bat guano contain a good amount of calcium too . Make sure the bat guano you purchase is ethically sourced .
• Bone Meal — Bone meal is an excellent source of readily available phosphorus ; revered for its ability to promote strong root development . Bone meal is also a great source of calcium .
• Fish Bone Meal — Fish bone meal is essentially the same as bone meal , except it is derived from fish . A great source of both phosphorus and calcium .
• Seabird Guano — Seabird guano , like bat guano , is known to increase the amount of flower / fruit sets and their size . An excellent source of phosphorus and micronutrients . Seabird guano also contains a wide variety of microbial life .
Top Dressing Ingredients for Adding Potassium ( K ):
• Kelp Meal — Kelp meal is a source of readily available potassium and a variety of micronutrients and plant hormones . This great soil additive can also increase overall plant health and vigour . Kelp meal should be used as an ingredient in the original soil mix . It can also be used sparingly as a top-dressing during blooming . Due to its high plant hormone content , too much kelp in the later stages of blooming could potentially trigger a growth spurt , leading to spindly flower development .
• Langbeinite — Langbeinite ( sold under many different brand names ) is a naturally occurring mineral and is water soluble . A good source of potassium , sulfur , and magnesium .
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