Maximum Yield Australia/New Zealand November/December 2020 | Page 12

As World Food Day is recognised on Oct . 16 around the world , it is important for every one of us to stop and take measure of what we eat , how we grow our food , and the impact our food choices have on our environment .” from the EDITOR
TG Toby Gorman

The startlingly widespread and fierce fires in

California and Australia we ’ ve witnessed over the past year do more damage than just burn structures , which seems to be mainstream media ’ s gauge on how bad they are . They are also burning a wide swath through both the U . S .’ s and Australia ’ s food supply chain . California , which has seen intense fires for several years now in all regions of the state , produces one-third of the U . S .’ s vegetables , two-thirds of its fruit and nuts , and accounts for 13 percent of the nation ’ s total agricultural value . The fires earlier this year in Australia scorched a land mass the size of Scotland and did vast damage to the country ’ s dairy , meat , wool , and honey supplies . These fires are not anomalies . They are part of a changing climate that experts say will render many parts of both the southwest United States and northwestern Australia inhabitable over the next 30 years as temperatures sustain 95 ° F ( 35 ° C ) and humidity levels spike along coastal areas .
Sustained , these conditions are too inhospitable for humans and many of the crops we rely on to survive and will create mass human migrations out of these areas to more temperate areas . Even if crops were able to grow it would be too hot for humans to harvest them , says experts who put together a report called “ Steambath Earth .”
As World Food Day is recognised on Oct . 16 around the world , it is important for every one of us to stop and take measure of what we eat , how we grow our food , and the impact our food choices have on our environment . According to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations , we can all make a difference by growing our own fruits and vegetables , choosing seasonal produce that takes less energy to grow and transport , supporting local farmers , and encouraging crop diversity .
12 Maximum Yield