Maximum Yield Australia/New Zealand March/April 2023 | Page 26

good TO GROW
5 | PRO GROW Eco Smart Controller
The new PRO GROW Eco Smart Controller brings all the best functions of the previous 0-10V lighting controllers into an inexpensive , singlechannel light controller . It is compatible with all 0-10V lighting options via RJ-14 port . The Eco Smart Controller gives you advanced control over your fixtures including Auto Dim & Auto Shutdown function , sunrise / sunset feature and 50-100 percent light dimming capabilities and can control up to 30 LEDs in a single room . It ’ ll be available soon through Wholesale Horticultural Group .
6 | Bio-One Microbial Inoculant
Bio Diesel ’ s Bio-One contains a blend of beneficial plant and ocean ferments that inoculates your plants ’ root zone with diverse , salt-tolerant beneficial microbes . This produces an enhanced microbiome that speeds up nutrient cycling and signalling , while also protecting your plants from pathogens and disease . It contains nutrient-stabilising bacteria and fungi , while enzymes break down any organic matter and bio films . Bio One protects your plant from stress and nutrient imbalances , while helping create a larger root zone .
7 | THC Rhizo Boost
Rhizo Boost is a powerful probiotic root tonic , root zone activator , and protector that releases locked-up phosphorus . This organic , made-in-Australia product features a unique blend of special species of bacteria , microorganisms , live microbes , activators , and other elements that will deliver extraordinary growth and blooms with beneficial activity , enzyme production , disease protection , unlocking of phosphorus , immune activation , brix , and yields . THC Rhizo boost also has explosive root mass-building ability . This bio-organic powerhouse , available from Excel Distributors , is truly unique .
8 | Byron Bay GOLD
Byron Bay GOLD is the all-in-one plant nutrient that eliminates the reliance on expensive additives by splitting the crop cycle into three simple stages of fertilisation . Each stage is designed to provide a perfectly timed dose of all the necessary elements and minerals for its targeted part of the plant life cycle . This not only simplifies the growing process , it saves growers loads of money without compromising on quality .
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