Maximum Yield Australia/New Zealand March/April 2020 | Page 58

Once enough of the chains have “ been broken, the plant will go into ‘terminal wilt,’ will no longer respond to watering, and will die.” Can’t Cross the Cambium The stomata not only allow water vapour and oxygen to escape, but they let in carbon dioxide. In times of high heat or in the absence of light (at night), they may close to prevent excess water loss. When the guard cells have closed, they cut off the supply of CO 2 , which retards plant growth. Movement of water through the xylem is passive and does not require energy from the plant. The xylem tubes are small enough to take advantage of capillary action (with the help of some of water’s more unusual properties) to draw water up from the roots to replace what has been lost due to evaporation through the stomata. This effectively creates “chains” of water that lead from the roots to the leaves. If an insufficient amount of water is available, at first these chains will shrink, causing the plant to droop. This can be seen in a slightly underwatered plant that starts to wilt. In the early stages, this can be corrected by watering the plant, which should respond fairly quickly (within an hour or so) by replacing the lost water and swelling back to normal appearance. If the plant continues to dehydrate due to lack of water, the water chains will get thin enough to begin to break, causing air pockets to develop. Once enough of the chains have been broken, the plant will go into “terminal wilt,” will no longer respond to watering, and will die. While it is usual to consider the xylem as carrying water, hormones, and nutrients, and the phloem as transporting water, hormones, and sugars, in some cases, such as with maple trees, sugars stored in the roots can use the xylem as a pathway to lift them up. Maple syrup is collected by piercing the xylem to collect this sugar sap, which is then boiled to condense and thicken. Vascular land plants can grow taller than their non-vascular counterparts such as mosses and algae in part because the xylem gives strength and structure to the plant stems. 56 Maximum Yield The vascular cambium layer often forms as a cylinder along the stem (or trunk), with the xylem (wood) on one side and the phloem (bark) on the other. The vascular cambium has a concentration of meristem (building block) cells which are used to increase both the xylem to the inside and the phloem on the outside. As an example, tree trunks add a yearly layer of wood (tree rings) formed from xylem, and the cambium grows a new layer of xylem to replace the old one. As the inner wood diameter increases, the cambium on the phloem side adds additional cells as needed. Xylem Cambium Phloem Go with the Phloem While the xylem carries water and nutrients in only one direction (from the roots to the leaves), the phloem carries sugars, hormones, amino acids, and relocating nutrients around the plant from stores (where the resources are in the plant) to sinks (where the resources are needed). For example, in the spring, sugars stored in the roots are moved to new growth sinks to plant growth. During photosynthesis the sugars made in the leaves act as stores that can be transported to sinks such as the roots (to prepare for the following spring) or to flowers and fruits. When growing vascular plants, it is helpful to be at least acquainted with vascular systems. By understanding that guard cells close at night, it becomes apparent that supplemental CO 2 is better used during the day. By understanding that guard cells close in extreme heat, it is easier to comprehend why plant growth “stalls” during a heat wave. Each piece of the puzzle makes it easier to get the big picture.