Maximum Yield Australia/New Zealand March/April 2020 | Page 50

The mechanism for this damage is not completely clear, but appears to at least be partially a result of the hyper accumulation of starch and soluble sugars produced in the leaf under the prolonged lighting conditions that can cause a range of symptoms, the most common being leaf chlorosis (yellowing) and necrosis (death of leaf cells). Continuous light may also accelerate leaf aging and photo-oxidative damage due to excessive light levels and there may be other factors involved with foliar damage. Studies have found that running a lower temperature for several hours in each 24-hour period under continuous light benefited a number of species — tomatoes grown with 28/16°C alternating temperatures and cucumbers with a short-term exposure to 12°C decreased the severity of injury symptoms caused by continuous light. Leaf injury under continuous light appears to be not just caused by the long light exposure itself but by an interaction between light duration, light intensity, and light quality as well as temperatures provided by thermoperiods. Continuous Light and Assimilate Unloading One of the limiting factors for the use of continuous light is the process of assimilate unloading — the transport of photosynthesis products out of the leaves where photosynthesis has been occurring to the sites where it is required for growth (such sinks for assimilate include Capsicum is a fruiting crop that could benefit from continuous light rapidly developing cells in fruit, buds, flowers, and new root if leaf injury could be prevented. growth). Under normal light/ dark conditions, photoassimulate produced during the light period can be exported out of the leaf during both the light and the dark period when no photosynthesis of whether continuous light may be beneficial to certain crops is is occurring, thus preventing a the fact temperature interacts with light on several different levels.” build-up of sugars in the leaf cells. If the assimilate produced via photosynthesis is not exported out of the leaf cells fast enough, there is a build-up of these sugars that creates a negative feedback and slows or even stops further photosynthesis. So, even if sufficient light is provided, the build-up of assimilate in the leaf and subsequent slowing of photosynthesis means that no increases in yield and productivity will occur even under continuous light. In fact, a reduction in growth can happen. This is seen as the major drawback in the use of continuous light for increasing the rate of food production. The other issue is this overproduction of assimilate that builds up in the leaf cells and can’t be shipped out of the leaves fast enough. This may be what is responsible for the damage and leaf injury some species experience under continuous light. To further confuse this process of whether continuous light may be beneficial to certain crops is the fact temperature interacts with light on several different levels. First, temperature determines the rate of photosynthesis, so more assimilate is produced under continuous light when optimal warmth is provided than when it is cooler than optimal, so an excess build-up of starch is more likely to occur in foliage under these warm conditions. Second, temperature plays a major role in the rate of transport of assimilate out of the leaves (the source) to the sinks (fruits, flowers, buds). The temperature differences that typically occur under a normal day/night regime are warmer during the day and cooler at night. Under continuous light, temperature often remains the same right Eggplant is one of the crops that are prone to leaf injury under continuous throughout the 24-hour period in order to allow maximum light at constant temperatures. rates of photosynthesis to occur. “TO FURTHER CONFUSE THIS PROCESS 48 Maximum Yield